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It became known how much has already been spent on creating a digital ruble. And what were the main costs? At a recently held international banking forum, a Rosbank employee reported on the costs of introducing the digital ruble. In just over two years, more than 150 million rubles were spent. And the biggest costs during implementation fell on information security and the construction of secure gateways between banks and the Central Bank of Russia. On the banks' side, there is no need to create any secure channels, because they connect directly to the secure platform of the Central Bank of Russia, and this is where all the complexity of cryptography and encryption occurs. At the moment, a pilot project is underway to operate a digital ruble between 11 cities of the country; more than 600 people and even 30 shopping centers are participating in the project. In the future, it is planned to expand the testing area and connect new clients. When testing the first stage, the issue of bank transfers between the client and the retail outlet will be considered using QR codes#BNB #рубль #binanceNFT #BTC #ETH $BNB

It became known how much has already been spent on creating a digital ruble. And what were the main costs?

At a recently held international banking forum, a Rosbank employee reported on the costs of introducing the digital ruble. In just over two years, more than 150 million rubles were spent. And the biggest costs during implementation fell on information security and the construction of secure gateways between banks and the Central Bank of Russia.

On the banks' side, there is no need to create any secure channels, because they connect directly to the secure platform of the Central Bank of Russia, and this is where all the complexity of cryptography and encryption occurs.

At the moment, a pilot project is underway to operate a digital ruble between 11 cities of the country; more than 600 people and even 30 shopping centers are participating in the project.

In the future, it is planned to expand the testing area and connect new clients. When testing the first stage, the issue of bank transfers between the client and the retail outlet will be considered using QR codes#BNB #рубль #binanceNFT #BTC #ETH


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