Binance Square
mirzad makhdoom
Why does discussing cryptocurrency give me chills every time? I recently did a 4-hour offline workshop on the complete syllabus of Web3 for a houseful audience in Kerala. Tribe Academy went OFFLINE 😁 with CoinEx Global. Out of about 40 slides, I focused on the fundamentals of investing and cryptocurrency trading because that is what the audience requested. This is a topic that never fails to excite me. Perhaps it's because investing early in crypto transformed my life after hitting rock bottom. Or i see the immense potential of this technology, which is destined to be the foundation of emerging technology. Or perhaps both ? #HotTrends #BTC #CryptoTradingSuccess

Why does discussing cryptocurrency give me chills every time?

I recently did a 4-hour offline workshop on the complete syllabus of Web3 for a houseful audience in Kerala. Tribe Academy went OFFLINE 😁 with CoinEx Global.

Out of about 40 slides, I focused on the fundamentals of investing and cryptocurrency trading because that is what the audience requested.

This is a topic that never fails to excite me. Perhaps it's because investing early in crypto transformed my life after hitting rock bottom. Or i see the immense potential of this technology, which is destined to be the foundation of emerging technology. Or perhaps both ?

#HotTrends #BTC #CryptoTradingSuccess

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