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mirzad makhdoom
Where Is Cryptocurrency Legal? Europe Leads With 39 Countries Recognizing Crypto’s Legitimacy Europe is at the forefront of global cryptocurrency legalization, with 39 (95.1%) out of 41 analyzed countries acknowledging its legitimacy. North Macedonia is the only European country where cryptocurrency is illegal, while Moldova's status remains unclear. Out of 31 countries in the Americas, 24 (77.4%) countries recognize cryptocurrency as legal. Bolivia stands as the sole exception, deeming cryptocurrency illegal. Six American countries - Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Uruguay - have yet to establish their official stance on cryptocurrency. In Africa, only 17 out of 44 (38.6%) countries have legalized cryptocurrency, while 35 (77.7%) out of 45 countries in Asia recognize cryptocurrency as legal. #CryptoPredictions #CryptoBullRun #MarketDynamics

Where Is Cryptocurrency Legal?

Europe Leads With 39 Countries Recognizing Crypto’s Legitimacy

Europe is at the forefront of global cryptocurrency legalization, with 39 (95.1%) out of 41 analyzed countries acknowledging its legitimacy. North Macedonia is the only European country where cryptocurrency is illegal, while Moldova's status remains unclear.

Out of 31 countries in the Americas, 24 (77.4%) countries recognize cryptocurrency as legal. Bolivia stands as the sole exception, deeming cryptocurrency illegal. Six American countries - Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Uruguay - have yet to establish their official stance on cryptocurrency.

In Africa, only 17 out of 44 (38.6%) countries have legalized cryptocurrency, while 35 (77.7%) out of 45 countries in Asia recognize cryptocurrency as legal.

#CryptoPredictions #CryptoBullRun #MarketDynamics

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