Binance Square
BINANCE has surpassed more than 170 million users worldwide. - For us, Binance is always number 1, Binance has many good functions to prove to the world, maybe $BNB will increase in price to $1000 soon, right everyone? - Binance CEO Richard TENG thanks his X community. - I also wish BINANCE more and more success and receive more trust from the community. #bnb #binance #btc #bitcoin

BINANCE has surpassed more than 170 million users worldwide.

- For us, Binance is always number 1, Binance has many good functions to prove to the world, maybe $BNB will increase in price to $1000 soon, right everyone?

- Binance CEO Richard TENG thanks his X community.

- I also wish BINANCE more and more success and receive more trust from the community.

#bnb #binance #btc #bitcoin

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