Binance Square
Former BlackRock managing director Steven Schoenfield, who's now the CEO of Market Vector Indexes, gives the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission "three to six months" before it approves a Bitcoin spot ETF. Schoenfield gave his estimate during a panel discussion on ETFs at CCData's Digital Asset Summit in London yesterday, where he was joined by another ex-BlackRock director Martin Bednall, now CEO of Jacobi Asset Management. #BTC #bitcoin

Former BlackRock managing director Steven Schoenfield, who's now the CEO of Market Vector Indexes, gives the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission "three to six months" before it approves a Bitcoin spot ETF.

Schoenfield gave his estimate during a panel discussion on ETFs at CCData's Digital Asset Summit in London yesterday, where he was joined by another ex-BlackRock director Martin Bednall, now CEO of Jacobi Asset Management.

#BTC #bitcoin

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