Binance Square
📈 **Prediction: Bitcoin Spot ETF Approval in 3-6 Months** 🚀 📢 Steven Schoenfield, former BlackRock MD, and CEO of MarketVector Indexes, anticipates SEC approval for a Bitcoin spot ETF in 3-6 months. 💬 SEC's recent request for comments, not rejections, indicates progress and improved communication. 💼 After the Grayscale lawsuit loss, allowing GBTC conversion to ETFs increases the likelihood. 💰 If BlackRock's BTC spot ETF gets the green light, a potential $200 billion influx into the market could follow. #BitcoinETF #SEC #CryptoNews #bitcoin #ETFApproval

📈 **Prediction: Bitcoin Spot ETF Approval in 3-6 Months** 🚀

📢 Steven Schoenfield, former BlackRock MD, and CEO of MarketVector Indexes, anticipates SEC approval for a Bitcoin spot ETF in 3-6 months.

💬 SEC's recent request for comments, not rejections, indicates progress and improved communication.

💼 After the Grayscale lawsuit loss, allowing GBTC conversion to ETFs increases the likelihood.

💰 If BlackRock's BTC spot ETF gets the green light, a potential $200 billion influx into the market could follow.

#BitcoinETF #SEC #CryptoNews #bitcoin #ETFApproval

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