Binance Square
PRO Crypto Tech
The biggest mistake that you can make right now is to be 100% dependent on crypto for living. If you are employed then that is a different ball game but to be 100% dependent on trading, airdrop or trying to be DeFi or NFT Degen is a foolishness. It will prove to be a waste of time, money and energy. I know people who are doing it pretty well. But these people are not even 0.5% of the total. You will try to repeat their success but in vain. Crypto is new and it can be harsh, lot of things are evolving and crypto is highly correlated to the macro environment. In short run crypto can behave more awkward than stocks in case of financial turmoil which is almost around the corner seeing the developments around Bond markets. It can take time for market s to get backs to normal we saw Bitcoin is down for more than 2 years since its all time high. This tweet is not about loosing hope in crypto it is about you continue to do what you are doing in life and keep crypto as a side gig. Either find full time job in crypto or be an investor. Don't be in middle of the two! If you have a job, business or a profession continue to do well in that. Earn from that business and keep crypto as an investment tool. Do not get attracted to the lifestyle of influencers and founders in crypto. Even if it is real you cannot copy-paste their life into your life! Have a realistic view of things.... Keep Calm & HODL!

The biggest mistake that you can make right now is to be 100% dependent on crypto for living.

If you are employed then that is a different ball game but to be 100% dependent on trading, airdrop or trying to be DeFi or NFT Degen is a foolishness.

It will prove to be a waste of time, money and energy. I know people who are doing it pretty well. But these people are not even 0.5% of the total.

You will try to repeat their success but in vain. Crypto is new and it can be harsh, lot of things are evolving and crypto is highly correlated to the macro environment.

In short run crypto can behave more awkward than stocks in case of financial turmoil which is almost around the corner seeing the developments around Bond markets.

It can take time for market s to get backs to normal we saw Bitcoin is down for more than 2 years since its all time high.

This tweet is not about loosing hope in crypto it is about you continue to do what you are doing in life and keep crypto as a side gig.

Either find full time job in crypto or be an investor. Don't be in middle of the two!

If you have a job, business or a profession continue to do well in that. Earn from that business and keep crypto as an investment tool.

Do not get attracted to the lifestyle of influencers and founders in crypto.

Even if it is real you cannot copy-paste their life into your life!

Have a realistic view of things....

Keep Calm & HODL!

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