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🚀🎉 比特币爱好者,听著! Coinbase 前高阶主管 Balaji Srinivasan 表示,加密货币已成为美国的党派问题,尤其吸引「美国保守派」和「中国自由派」。 🌐💰 巴拉吉在最近的一条推文中表示,加密货币是「小国和被剥夺的少数群体」的福音,为那些缺乏国家影响力的人提供了一种新的权力形式。 🌍💪 他认为控制强大国家的民主党人和共产党人不会从加密货币中受益。然而,其他人都这样做。 🎭🏦 有趣的是,巴拉吉指出,微软、亚马逊、谷歌和美国政府等顶级雇主的员工主要向民主党捐款,而不是共和党。 💼💰 此外,美国最富有的县是蓝色县,代表美国国内生产总值的大部分,这意味著民主党拥有最多的钱。 💸💙 巴拉吉表示:“加密货币在美国民主党的右边,在中国共产党的左边。”他将中国和俄罗斯描述为“文化右派”,将当前的美国当权者描述为“文化左派”。 🌏🔀 双方都对加密产业表现出了敌意。东方超级大国以潜在的经济不稳定为由,禁止加密货币作为公民的支付方式。 🚫💱 同时,拜登政府一贯反对支持加密货币的立法。上周,白宫甚至发誓要否决共和党主导的一项决议,该决议旨在废除美国证券交易委员会禁止银行提供加密货币托管服务的指导意见。 🏛️🔒 尽管如此,加密货币的党派本质还是受到了欢迎。即使是左翼民主党人也看到了加密货币的潜力。例如,允许银行托管加密货币可能会使该行业受到监管,而稳定币可能会增加对美国政府债务的需求。 🏦🔄 令人惊讶的是,前总统唐纳德·川普扭转了先前的反加密货币立场,在今年晚些时候与拜登的大选复赛之前拥抱了该行业。 🔄🗳️ 所以,伙计们,请密切关注加密货币领域!这是一趟疯狂的旅程,但却充满潜力! 🚀🌙

🚀🎉 比特币爱好者,听著! Coinbase 前高阶主管 Balaji Srinivasan 表示,加密货币已成为美国的党派问题,尤其吸引「美国保守派」和「中国自由派」。 🌐💰

巴拉吉在最近的一条推文中表示,加密货币是「小国和被剥夺的少数群体」的福音,为那些缺乏国家影响力的人提供了一种新的权力形式。 🌍💪

他认为控制强大国家的民主党人和共产党人不会从加密货币中受益。然而,其他人都这样做。 🎭🏦

有趣的是,巴拉吉指出,微软、亚马逊、谷歌和美国政府等顶级雇主的员工主要向民主党捐款,而不是共和党。 💼💰

此外,美国最富有的县是蓝色县,代表美国国内生产总值的大部分,这意味著民主党拥有最多的钱。 💸💙

巴拉吉表示:“加密货币在美国民主党的右边,在中国共产党的左边。”他将中国和俄罗斯描述为“文化右派”,将当前的美国当权者描述为“文化左派”。 🌏🔀

双方都对加密产业表现出了敌意。东方超级大国以潜在的经济不稳定为由,禁止加密货币作为公民的支付方式。 🚫💱

同时,拜登政府一贯反对支持加密货币的立法。上周,白宫甚至发誓要否决共和党主导的一项决议,该决议旨在废除美国证券交易委员会禁止银行提供加密货币托管服务的指导意见。 🏛️🔒

尽管如此,加密货币的党派本质还是受到了欢迎。即使是左翼民主党人也看到了加密货币的潜力。例如,允许银行托管加密货币可能会使该行业受到监管,而稳定币可能会增加对美国政府债务的需求。 🏦🔄

令人惊讶的是,前总统唐纳德·川普扭转了先前的反加密货币立场,在今年晚些时候与拜登的大选复赛之前拥抱了该行业。 🔄🗳️

所以,伙计们,请密切关注加密货币领域!这是一趟疯狂的旅程,但却充满潜力! 🚀🌙

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🚀Crypto enthusiasts, buckle up! The U.S. Supreme Court has unanimously ruled against Coinbase Inc. (COIN) in an arbitration dispute over its 2021 Dogecoin (DOGE) sweepstakes. 🐕💨 In a 9-0 ruling, the court clarified that when parties are governed by multiple contracts, it's up to the court to decide which legal agreement takes precedence. 🏛️📜 Coinbase had hoped to settle the dispute through arbitration, based on user agreements that mandate arbitration for all customers. However, a federal judge ruled that the sweepstakes terms, which specified California's court system for related disputes, overruled the customer agreement. 🚫⚖️ The Supreme Court upheld the lower court's authority, dismissing Coinbase's argument that ruling against them would lead to legal chaos and enable parties to dodge arbitration agreements. 🎯👩‍⚖️ Richard Silberberg, an arbitration lawyer, noted that the decision was "hardly surprising" and confirmed that "a court, not an arbitrator, must decide whether the parties' first agreement was superseded by the second." 📚👨‍⚖️ The dispute originated from a lawsuit by former Coinbase user David Suski, who claimed that the "Trade Doge, Win Doge" contest misled participants into thinking a $100 purchase or sale of Dogecoin was required to win cash prizes. However, the fine print revealed an alternative entry method via mail, avoiding the need for purchase. 📬💸 In response to the ruling, Coinbase's Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal commented, "Some you win. Some you lose. We are grateful for having had the opportunity to present our case to the court and appreciate the court's consideration of this matter." 🙏🎢 Stay tuned for more updates on this rollercoaster ride in the crypto world! 🌐💫
🚀🚀Buckle up, BTC enthusiasts! The U.S. Congress may be warming up to crypto, but President Biden could still be a roadblock, says Senator Cynthia Lummis. 🧐 In a recent interview, Lummis shared insights on Capitol Hill's evolving views on crypto and the parties still resisting pro-crypto legislation. The big question? Whether Biden will sign H.J.Res. 109 into effect. This resolution, which has bipartisan support, aims to repeal a prior SEC rule that made it tricky for regulated banks to offer crypto custody services. 🏦💼 Biden had threatened a veto, but the strong bipartisan backing for the act has some hoping he might change his tune. 🎵🎶 However, Lummis warns that the SEC had already cautioned her about a potential Biden veto. Now, she says, the White House will have to reconsider. 🤔 Meanwhile, two other crypto-focused bills, FIT21 and the CBDC Anto Surveillance State Act, have passed the House. FIT21 even secured a two-thirds majority vote, enough to override a potential presidential veto if the Senate shows equal support. 📜👏 Lummis notes that bipartisan support for crypto is growing, but opposition still exists, mainly from the "progressive wing" of the Democratic party. 😬 Going forward, Lummis encourages the crypto industry to engage with their congresspeople and educate them about digital assets. She sees the 2024 political opportunity as a chance to establish a lasting framework for the digital asset industry. 🎓📚 So, will Biden veto pro-crypto legislation? The crypto world is watching! 👀🍿
🚀🚀Buckle up, Bitcoiners! Ondo Finance's ONDO token is on a tear, rocketing nearly 20% to an all-time high of $1.15 on May 24, 2024. 🎉🎉 This surge is largely credited to Coinbase adding ONDO to its perpetual market. 📈📈DefiLlama data reveals that this increase has catapulted ONDO's market cap beyond a whopping $1.6 billion. On May 21, Ondo Finance also hit a peak total value locked (TVL) of $453 million, its highest level ever. 🔍🔍IntoTheBlock data shows a 52.3% rise in large transaction volumes for ONDO, with all holders currently in the green. A significant 92% of these holders are large ones, with around 63% of investors holding their tokens for periods between one and twelve months. 📊📊Since mid-March, ONDO’s price oscillated between $0.97 and $0.69 but broke out on Friday. A 10% rally ended the consolidation, pushing ONDO to an initial record high of $1.05. Now in a price discovery phase, investors expect the bullish momentum to continue driving it upward. 🎯🎯The rally came amid the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approving spot Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Despite the controversial impact on the rest of the market, ONDO is among the top performers on a daily scale. 🚀🚀Since its launch earlier this year, ONDO has seen strong demand and has rallied over 1,300% from its all-time low. Another major catalyst behind the ONDO price rally could be related to Coinbase’s addition of the asset to its perpetual market. 🔮🔮Following the announcement, several market traders have issued bullish calls for ONDO. One emphasized that ONDO represents a potent “ETH beta” set for attention soon. Another predicts an upcoming surge in the “real-world-asset narrative,” highlighting ONDO’s noteworthy performance. 🎉🎉So, here's to ONDO's continued ascent! Keep your eyes on the prize, Bitcoiners! 🚀🚀




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