Binance Square
贝莱德刚刚在 #Ethereum(ETH) 上推出了他们的第一只代币化基金,名为 BUIDL 。 🚀 ✓ 债券和基金等现实世界资产的代币化正在迅速获得关注,将数字资产与传统金融融合在一起。 🔄 ✓ #BlackRockCrypto 正在与 BUIDL 合作,这是一家基于区块链的基金,投资于现金、美国国库券和回购协议。它的目标是保持每个代币 1 美元的稳定价值,并每日发放股息。要进入该市场,投资者可以以 500 万美元的起始投资进入 Securitize Markets。哦,贝莱德正在向 BUIDL 的代币化平台 Securitize 投入一些资金。 💸 ✓ 该代币化基金对投资者有何好处?借助 #blockchain tech 轻松买卖,即时透明的交易结算,经过批准的投资者之间的全天候代币转移以及灵活的代币托管选项。 💡 ✓ 但在深入了解 BUIDL 之前,请注意:它仅适用于合格投资者,并且未在任何交易所上市。此外,它还具有高风险,可能会导致市场波动和潜在的全部损失。 📌 在投入之前,先做好功课并与财务顾问交谈。

贝莱德刚刚在 #Ethereum(ETH) 上推出了他们的第一只代币化基金,名为 BUIDL 。 🚀

✓ 债券和基金等现实世界资产的代币化正在迅速获得关注,将数字资产与传统金融融合在一起。 🔄

#BlackRockCrypto 正在与 BUIDL 合作,这是一家基于区块链的基金,投资于现金、美国国库券和回购协议。它的目标是保持每个代币 1 美元的稳定价值,并每日发放股息。要进入该市场,投资者可以以 500 万美元的起始投资进入 Securitize Markets。哦,贝莱德正在向 BUIDL 的代币化平台 Securitize 投入一些资金。 💸

✓ 该代币化基金对投资者有何好处?借助 #blockchain tech 轻松买卖,即时透明的交易结算,经过批准的投资者之间的全天候代币转移以及灵活的代币托管选项。 💡

✓ 但在深入了解 BUIDL 之前,请注意:它仅适用于合格投资者,并且未在任何交易所上市。此外,它还具有高风险,可能会导致市场波动和潜在的全部损失。

📌 在投入之前,先做好功课并与财务顾问交谈。

免责声明:含第三方内容,不构成财务建议,并且可能包含赞助内容。 详见《条款和条件》。
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YPF Explores Bitcoin Mining Using Gas Surpluses in Argentina The state-owned oil company YPF, in collaboration with Norwegian company Equinor, has launched a project to power a Bitcoin mining farm in Argentina. Bitcoin mining, leveraging gas surpluses, is gaining popularity in Argentina. Recently, a farm was established with over a thousand ASIC miners using the residual gases from YPF's oil operations in Patagonia to generate revenue. This facility, called Central Térmica Bajo del Toro and located in Rincón de los Sauces, Neuquén, houses 1,200 ASIC units. It emerged from a collaboration between YPF, YPF Luz, and Norwegian company Equinor, along with Genesis Digital Assets Limited (GDA), which specializes in Bitcoin mining. YPF (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales), which was renationalized by the Argentine government in 2012, has established itself as one of the leading energy companies in the country and is the third largest oil company in South America. It is involved in the exploration, production, refining, transportation, and sale of oil, natural gas, and electricity. The total capacity of the thermal plant is 8 MW, and it is promoted as a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, optimize energy use, and capitalize on gas surpluses that would otherwise have been released into the atmosphere, according to a statement from YPF. It is highlighted that this gas is reused to generate electricity for Bitcoin mining, an industry that demands large amounts of energy, but without compromising the availability of the national power grid and offering a sustainable alternative. 🌟 You saw it first on LocademiaCripto, I swap relevant news and educational guides for your Like, for life! Don't think twice, smash that 👍 button and stay tuned because there's plenty more coming your way soon! #DailyNews #Argentina


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