Ta članek trenutno ne podpira vašega jezika. Za angleščino se priporoča samodejni prevajalnik.


  • The Industry Map provides an overview of the crypto ecosystem. In this report, we break down different verticals into subcategories, and lay out a few projects in each of them.

  • In this first iteration of the Industry Map, we covered four verticals - Infrastructure; DeFi; NFTs; GameFi.

  • Infrastructure: We looked at projects in the areas of Scalability and Fairness; Data Usability and Tooling; Security and Privacy; Computation and Content Delivery.

  • DeFi: We looked at projects in the areas of Issuance; Liquidity; Trading; Connectivity; Risk Management.

  • NFTs: We looked at projects in the areas of Marketplace; Financialization; Service.

  • GameFi: We looked at projects in the areas of Games; Game Development; Player Experience.

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