1 USDC je enako ₹ 84.80 INR+<0.01%1 dan
Stran nazadnje posodobljena: 2024-12-15 18:04 (UTC+0)
Kako se vam danes zdi USDC?
Opomba: Te informacije so samo za ponazoritev.

Današnja cena USDC

V tem trenutku cena v živo USDC znaša ₹ 84.80 po tečaju (USDC/INR) s trenutno tržno kapitalizacijo ₹ 3,563.57B INR. 24-urni obseg trgovanja je ₹ 532.03B INR. Cena USDC glede na INR se posodablja sproti. USDC je +<0.01% v zadnjih 24 urah s skupno ponudbo na trgu 42.02B.
USDC zgodovina cen INR
Primerjava datumovSprememba zneska% spremembe
Danes₹ 0.002786+<0.01%
30 dni₹ 0.001884+<0.01%
60 dni₹ -0.004994-0.01%
90 dni₹ 0.009427+0.01%

Podrobnosti o trgu USDC

Najnižja in najvišja vrednost v zadnjih 24 urah
Najnižja: ₹ 84.75
Najvišja: ₹ 84.82
Najvišja in najnižja cena, plačana za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Rekordno visoka vrednost
₹ 199.24
Najvišja cena, plačana za to sredstvo, odkar je bilo izdano ali uvrščeno na seznam.
Sprememba cene (1 ura)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 1 uro.
Sprememba cene (24 ur)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 24 urami.
Sprememba cene (7 dni)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 7 dnevi.

Podrobnosti o trgu USDC

Priljubljenost temelji na relativni tržni kapitalizaciji sredstev.
Tržna kapitalizacija
₹ 3,563.57B
Tržna kapitalizacija se izračuna tako, da se skupna ponudba sredstva na trgu pomnoži z njegovo trenutno ceno.
Obseg (24 ur)
₹ 532.03B
Skupna vrednost v dolarjih vseh transakcij za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Razpoložljivi obtok
Število kovancev, ki krožijo na trgu in so na voljo javnosti za trgovanje, podobno kot delnice, s katerimi se javno trguje na borzi.
Skupna končna količina
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.
Popolnoma razredčena tržna kapitalizacija
₹ 3,563.57B
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.
Datum izdaje

Kaj lahko počnete z USDC (USDC)?

Raziščite, kako uporabljati kriptovalute s platformo Binance.

What is USD Coin (USDC)?

USD Coin (USDC) is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar at a 1:1 ratio and is designed to remain stable regardless of cryptocurrency market conditions.

As a fully backed stablecoin, it holds US dollar asset reserves in regulated US financial institutions. These reserves are overseen by the accounting firm Grant Thornton, which publishes monthly attestation reports.

USDC is compatible with a number of different blockchains, including Ethereum, Algorand, Solana, Stellar, and TRON. The USDC stablecoin is the second largest stablecoin ecosystem, behind only USD Tether (USDT), and just above Binance USD (BUSD).

USDC is the number two stablecoin, but it is also the fifth largest market capitalization in the cryptocurrency market at the time of writing. The $43 billion dollar plus market cap has seen to it that USD Coin has remained a top five crypto for some time now.

The coin provides users with a number of use cases, such as portfolio balancing, hedging against volatility, pricing in fiat currency, fast international remittances, peer-to-peer (P2P) payments, and payment interoperability across different blockchains.

In August, 2023, Coinbase announced that it had acquired a minority stake in Circle, the company that issues the USDC stablecoin. The deal is reportedly worth $400 million and will give Coinbase a seat on Circle's board of directors. The acquisition is seen as a way for Coinbase to strengthen its ties to the stablecoin market.

USDC has entered a number of notable partnerships, including Visa, Mastercard, and Twitter. USDC price is updated and available in real-time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About USD Coin USDC

  1. What is the Difference Between USD and USDC? 

    USD is a fiat currency, while USDC is a blockchain-based stablecoin that tracks the price of USD. As such, USDC may face different regulations, depending on the location.

  2. Is it Safe to Buy USDC?

    USDC is fully regulated and, since its release, has successfully maintained its peg. However, there is no guarantee it will stay at the pegged rate in the future. Just as with any crypto, buying and using USDC involves financial risk. Still, stablecoins tend to be safer than other cryptocurrencies due to their lower volatility.

  3. What are the Risks of Holding USDC? 

    Holding USD Coin (USDC) involves counterparty risk, as it depends on the credibility of its issuers, Circle and Coinbase. Regulatory, liquidity, and market risks also apply, with potential for new regulations or restrictions, liquidity issues, and price fluctuations due to market sentiment or a loss of confidence in the backing assets.

  4. What is USDC Used For?

    USDC is primarily used as a P2P payment method and a hedge against market volatility. USDC fulfills this intended use case by keeping as close to a 1:1 peg with USD possible. The USDC price information is available live on Binance. 

  5. How Do Network Consensus and Validation Work on USD Coin?

    USDC is issued via a smart contract — users make requests to exchange assets for USDC, which are then forwarded to the USD Coin smart contract in order to issue the tokens. USD Coin tokens are secured by the consensus method of whichever blockchain on which they are issued.

    Being an ERC-20-derived token, USDC transactions are now validated using PoS consensus model as a result of the Ethereum Merge. At the same time, blockchains like Stellar now support USDC as well.

  6. Who is the USD Coin Founder?

    USD Coin was founded by Circle and launched on September 26, 2018.

  7. What is the Maximum Token Supply of USD Coin?

    USDC does not have a maximum supply — new tokens are issued as assets are locked within the USDC smart contract. At the time of writing, the circulating supply of USDC is 26,134,006,010 coins.

  8. What Makes USD Coin Different From Others?

    USD Coin is notable as a stablecoin with a high degree of transparency, thanks in part to the regularly published reports verifying the state of its reserves. As a multi-chain stablecoin, USDC can be used across multiple blockchain networks.

  9. How to Buy USDC? 

    USDC can be purchased directly on Binance with a credit or debit card. You can also trade other cryptocurrencies for USDC on the Binance Exchange. Read our How to Buy USDC (USDC) for further instructions.

  10. How Much Will USDC be Worth in Future?

    Check out our USDC Price Prediction page — when deciding on your own price targets. Data displayed are based on user input and not Binance's opinion.

USDC v lokalno valuto

1 USDC v USD$ 0.999998
1 USDC v TRY$ 0.999998
1 USDC v RUB$ 0.999998
1 USDC v EUR$ 0.999998
1 USDC v AED$ 0.999998
1 USDC v AUD$ 0.999998
1 USDC v BRL$ 0.999998
1 USDC v VND$ 0.999998
1 USDC v IDR$ 0.999998
Nazadnje posodobljeno 2024/12/15 06:04 (UTC).

Video razdelek

Cene kriptovalut so izpostavljene visokemu tržnemu tveganju in nestabilnosti cen. Vlagajte samo v produkte, ki jih poznate in za katere razumete povezana tveganja. Vsebina, izražena na tej strani, ni namenjena in se ne sme razumeti kot odobritev družbe Binance glede zanesljivosti ali točnosti takšne vsebine. Pazljivo pretehtajte svoje naložbene izkušnje, finančno stanje, naložbene cilje in toleranco tveganj ter se pred kakršno koli naložbo posvetujte z neodvisnim finančnim svetovalcem. To gradivo se ne sme razumeti kot finančni nasvet. Pretekla uspešnost ni zanesljiv kazalnik prihodnje uspešnosti. Vrednost vaše naložbe se lahko zniža in poveča. Morda vloženega zneska ne boste dobili nazaj. Za svoje naložbene odločitve ste odgovorni izključno sami. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za morebitne izgube. Za več informacij si oglejte naše pogoje uporabe in opozorila o tveganju. Upoštevajte tudi, da podatki v zvezi z zgoraj omenjeno kriptovaluto, predstavljeni tukaj (kot je njena trenutna cena v živo), temeljijo na virih tretjih oseb. Predstavljeni so vam na podlagi »kot so« in samo v informativne namene, brez zastopanja ali kakršnega koli jamstva. Povezave do spletnih mest tretjih oseb prav tako niso pod nadzorom družbe Binance. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za zanesljivost in točnost takšnih spletnih mest tretjih oseb in njihove vsebine.