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LRC, HSR and TRX Airdrop Bounty Program

LRC, HSR and TRX Airdrop Bounty Program

2017-10-31 11:26

Fellow Binancians,


We are pleased to announce the launch of LRC, HSR and TRX Airdrop Bounty Program on Binance. Rules for the programs are as follows:

1. 50,000 LRC Airdrop for LRC Holders
Time: Ends 2017/11/07 0:00 AM (UTC Time)
Rewards: the top 2,500 traders holding the highest balance of LRC (must have a minimum of 1,000 LRC) will each receive an airdrop of 20 LRC.

2. HSR Airdrop for HSR Deposits
Time: From 2017/10/31 4:00 AM to 2017/11/14 4:00 AM (UTC Time)
Rewards: newly registered users (with verified KYC) with at least 1 HSR deposited will be rewarded with an airdrop of 0.5 HSR to their account.

3. TRX Airdrop
Time: Ends 2017/11/14 0:00 AM (UTC Time)
Rewards: Binance users with total assets on Binance equal to or greater than 0.003 BTC having at least one transaction in their trading history will be rewarded with an airdrop of 500 TRX to their account.

Thank you for your support!

Binance Team



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