Binance Square
When $BTC Bitcoin surpasses the $31,500 mark, it will signal the resurgence of the #bull market. Historically, the $31,500 level has acted as a significant pivot point, alternating between support and resistance during past market cycles. This price point essentially delineates bull and bear markets. While some may contend that we are currently in a bear market phase, surpassing the $31,500 mark will undeniably indicate a shift to a bull market. All that's needed is a key news event to push Bitcoin beyond this resistance level. Having been in a sideways consolidation beneath this resistance for over 500 days, it's only a matter of time before we see a breakout. $BNB $ETH #crypto2023 #Layer2 #CryptoTalks #CryptoTradingBots

When $BTC Bitcoin surpasses the $31,500 mark, it will signal the resurgence of the #bull market.

Historically, the $31,500 level has acted as a significant pivot point, alternating between support and resistance during past market cycles.

This price point essentially delineates bull and bear markets.

While some may contend that we are currently in a bear market phase, surpassing the $31,500 mark will undeniably indicate a shift to a bull market.

All that's needed is a key news event to push Bitcoin beyond this resistance level.

Having been in a sideways consolidation beneath this resistance for over 500 days, it's only a matter of time before we see a breakout. $BNB $ETH #crypto2023 #Layer2 #CryptoTalks #CryptoTradingBots

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