Binance Square
VanEck is launching its Ethereum (ETH) Strategy ETF on Oct. 2, trading under the ticker EFUT on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). The ETF will invest in ether futures contracts, offering exposure to cash-settled ETH futures traded on CFTC-regulated commodities exchanges. VanEck highlights the tax benefits of the product's C-Corp structure for long investors. The firm has been promoting the launch with "Enter the Ether"-themed TV commercials and plans to donate 10% of profits from the ETF to Ethereum core developers over the next decade. Bitwise Asset Management is also set to launch two Ether futures ETFs on Oct. 2.

VanEck is launching its Ethereum (ETH) Strategy ETF on Oct. 2, trading under the ticker EFUT on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). The ETF will invest in ether futures contracts, offering exposure to cash-settled ETH futures traded on CFTC-regulated commodities exchanges. VanEck highlights the tax benefits of the product's C-Corp structure for long investors. The firm has been promoting the launch with "Enter the Ether"-themed TV commercials and plans to donate 10% of profits from the ETF to Ethereum core developers over the next decade. Bitwise Asset Management is also set to launch two Ether futures ETFs on Oct. 2.

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