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How to Find Cryptos Before They Pump⁉️🤔 By fairly assessing lower market cap coins, you will be able to look at the pumps from a comfortable position and be on top of the wave when it starts. So start dig into the lower levels of the CoinMarketCap dashboard and find yourself among some crazy price action. These mind blowing gains might be difficult to find at this stage of the market, but double digit pumps are not uncommon. 🔹️Here’re tips to help you discover these hidden gems. Find at least 8 coins that you think have potential Ideally those you haven’t heard of or looked into before. Not knowing about them will keep you objective when assessing how much potential they have. And it’s better if these coins haven’t been extensively covered by influencers. Fewer eyes have looked into the coin’s potential. Start by going to CoinMarketCap and look for coins from the second or third page onwards. Check each coin out, one by one, and look for the following things: • Price history: the coin should be trending up in time without any strange peaks or questionable trading volume throughout its history. By placing your cursor on the chart you’ll be able to see these changes. Now if these coins are newer (after the last bull market in 2017), the better. These coins will not have a clear price resistance which gives free rains for them to keep rallying. • Discern between coins and tokens: is it a cryptocurrency that has its own blockchain (coin) or is it part of another one (token)? Ideally, it should have its own blockchain or it should be on one of the major blockchains (e.g. Ethereum, Cardano, Solana).

How to Find Cryptos Before They Pump⁉️🤔

By fairly assessing lower market cap coins, you will be able to look at the pumps from a comfortable position and be on top of the wave when it starts.

So start dig into the lower levels of the CoinMarketCap dashboard and find yourself among some crazy price action. These mind blowing gains might be difficult to find at this stage of the market, but double digit pumps are not uncommon.

🔹️Here’re tips to help you discover these hidden gems.

Find at least 8 coins that you think have potential

Ideally those you haven’t heard of or looked into before.

Not knowing about them will keep you objective when assessing how much potential they have.

And it’s better if these coins haven’t been extensively covered by influencers. Fewer eyes have looked into the coin’s potential.

Start by going to CoinMarketCap and look for coins from the second or third page onwards.

Check each coin out, one by one, and look for the following things:

• Price history: the coin should be trending up in time without any strange peaks or questionable trading volume throughout its history. By placing your cursor on the chart you’ll be able to see these changes. Now if these coins are newer (after the last bull market in 2017), the better. These coins will not have a clear price resistance which gives free rains for them to keep rallying.

• Discern between coins and tokens: is it a cryptocurrency that has its own blockchain (coin) or is it part of another one (token)? Ideally, it should have its own blockchain or it should be on one of the major blockchains (e.g. Ethereum, Cardano, Solana).

Отказ от ответственности: на платформе опубликованы материалы и мнения третьих лиц. Не является финансовой рекомендацией. Может содержать спонсируемый контент. См. Правила и условия.
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🚀🔥🔥🔥 Dont MIss THIS OPPORTUNITY‼ 💥Read BELOW👇 AltLayer is an open and decentralized protocol which accelerates the launch of rollups with optimistic and ZK rollup stacks. Its flagship product restaked rollups has been an industry disruptor, unlocking the true value of rollups with enhanced security, decentralization, fast finality, and interoperability.  AltLayer’s restaked rollups consist of three vertically integrated Actively Validated Services (AVS) titled MACH, VITAL, and SQUAD. These products leverage the permissionless nature of rollup stacks, and the principle of restaking, which allows networks to borrow economic security from Ethereum. Each of these core services will operate as an AVS and will borrow security from Ethereum via EigenLayer’s restaking mechanism. reALT serves as an auto compounding ERC-20 token designed to capture the staking contributions of ALT holders and accumulate the compounding rewards obtained. This token is distributed to individuals participating in the main staking pool by staking $ALT By utilizing reALT, users gain the capability to engage in multiple pools concurrently, expanding their exposure and choice while enjoying the advantages of auto compounding. Once reALT is issued, it can be redirected to various Launchpools related to restaking rollups, such as the Xterio pool. AltLayer will conduct periodic snapshots of the reALT balance, utilizing them to calculate forthcoming pool rewards. #ALTrestaking @AltLayer
W000www‼🚀🔥 REad Now👀 AltLayer is an open and decentralized protocol for rollups that aims to provide enhanced security,decentralization, interoperability,&crypto economic fast finality to existing rollups.It introduces the novel concept of Restaked rollups,combines the ease of spinning up rollups using popular rollup stacks with the power of EigenLayer's restaking mechanism. Dex protocol facilitating the deployment of native and restaked rollups,AltLayer disclosed the commencement of the second phase of AltLayer staking and introduced the restaked ALT token, reALT. reALT serves as an auto compounding ERC20 token designed to capture the staking contributions of $ALT holders and accumulate the compounding rewards obtained.token is distributed to individuals participating in the main staking pool by staking ALT. By utilizing it users gain the capability to engage in multiple pools concurrently,expanding their exposure and choice while enjoying the advantages of auto compounding. Once reALT is issued,it can be redirected to various Launchpools related to restaking rollups,such as the Xterio pool. AltLayer’s restaked rollups consist of three vertically integrated Actively Validated Services(AVS) titled MACH,VITAL, and SQUAD. These products leverage the permissionless nature of rollup stacks, and the principle of restaking, which allows networks to borrow economic security from Ethereum. Each of these core services will operate as an AVS and will borrow security from Ethereum via EigenLayer’s restaking mechanism. Built a top its protocol is a multi chain, multi VM compatible Rollups as a Service (RaaS) launcher, a hassle free platform allowing developers and beginners to spin up a customized rollup within 2 minutes!  Together, these products form the bedrock of a modular blockchain ecosystem home to hundreds of thousands of rollups that can accelerate scaling for any Web3 application. Industries spanning the NFT sector, Web3 gaming, DeFi, real world asset tokenization, and others leverage these rollups to scale their applications. #ALTrestaking

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