Binance Square
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Breaking News- #Hamas Primit $41M În #CryptoDonations Peste531103100763163110076316#CryptoDonations 076316Israel Mișcări To Seize Portole Hamas a câștigat a remarcabil 41531100763 16 milioane în53110076311606316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316 3110076316August 2021 și Iunie 2 023, în conformitate cu531100763110076316353163163163531631635316 10076316#blockchain analytics company, conform g to the531100763116316076316007631600 . The information was provided by the forensics business Elliptic and the Tel Aviv software firm #BitOK, and it indicated the rising fear that cryptocurrencies are being utilised as a source of funding for organisations and countries that operate outside the U.S.-controlled international banking system. YOAV GALLANT, THE ISRAELI DEFENCE MINISTER, 16Journal Interview that Solving this Problem would NOT BE5311 , "This is NOT AN Easy Task."

Breaking News-

#Hamas Primit $41M În #CryptoDonations Peste531103100763163110076316#CryptoDonations 076316Israel Mișcări To Seize Portole

Hamas a câștigat a remarcabil 41531100763 16 milioane în53110076311606316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316316 3110076316August 2021 și Iunie 2 023, în conformitate cu531100763110076316353163163163531631635316 10076316#blockchain analytics company, conform g to the531100763116316076316007631600 .

The information was provided by the forensics business Elliptic and the Tel Aviv software firm #BitOK , and it indicated the rising fear that cryptocurrencies are being utilised as a source of funding for organisations and countries that operate outside the U.S.-controlled international banking system.

YOAV GALLANT, THE ISRAELI DEFENCE MINISTER, 16Journal Interview that Solving this Problem would NOT BE5311 , "This is NOT AN Easy Task."

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