Binance Square
The Buzzing Bee
HOW TO / Is It possible to make a profit of $30 daily from day trading ⁉️ ‼LETS FIND OUT‼ The answer, simply, is yes. Day trading is profitable. How long does it take to become profitable? That seems to vary. For me, it was one of internal suffering, despair, hopelessness and then a grace I can not describe. Then I started to become profitable. Let me move from the spiritual aspect of my journey to profitability to the secular and technical one. 🔹️Set a daily loss limit in your software that stops you from trading anymore that day when it’s hit. One of my biggest mistakes (and I still do it sometimes) is ‘revenge trading’. It’s when you have a loss or two, big or small and you feel like you want to ‘get it back’. This will destroy your account and success. 🔹️Don’t chase.  This was hard for me to do. My plan would trigger an entry for long/short and I would miss it, and see it running and I start to think, “That’s 3 points of movement I just missed! There has to be more in it.” And then you enter and it moves against you. This will kill your account. 🔹️Don’t listen to anyone else but yourself.  Once you start letting other people’s opinions influence your already thought out plan, you start to doubt yourself and lose confidence in your own decision making. I am a naturally insecure person so this continues to be a challenge for me, but it’s not as bad anymore. 🔹️Set a daily loss limit in your software that stops you from trading anymore that day when it’s hit.  One of my biggest mistakes (and I still do it sometimes) is ‘revenge trading’. It’s when you have a loss or two, big or small and you feel like you want to ‘get it back’. This will destroy your account and success.

HOW TO / Is It possible to make a profit of $30 daily from day trading ⁉️


The answer, simply, is yes. Day trading is profitable. How long does it take to become profitable? That seems to vary. For me, it was one of internal suffering, despair, hopelessness and then a grace I can not describe. Then I started to become profitable.

Let me move from the spiritual aspect of my journey to profitability to the secular and technical one.

🔹️Set a daily loss limit in your software that stops you from trading anymore that day when it’s hit. One of my biggest mistakes (and I still do it sometimes) is ‘revenge trading’. It’s when you have a loss or two, big or small and you feel like you want to ‘get it back’. This will destroy your account and success.

🔹️Don’t chase. 

This was hard for me to do. My plan would trigger an entry for long/short and I would miss it, and see it running and I start to think, “That’s 3 points of movement I just missed! There has to be more in it.” And then you enter and it moves against you. This will kill your account.

🔹️Don’t listen to anyone else but yourself. 

Once you start letting other people’s opinions influence your already thought out plan, you start to doubt yourself and lose confidence in your own decision making. I am a naturally insecure person so this continues to be a challenge for me, but it’s not as bad anymore.

🔹️Set a daily loss limit in your software that stops you from trading anymore that day when it’s hit. 

One of my biggest mistakes (and I still do it sometimes) is ‘revenge trading’. It’s when you have a loss or two, big or small and you feel like you want to ‘get it back’. This will destroy your account and success.

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