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⭐️ ミームコインのスナイピングの仕組み みなさん、こんにちは。ミームコインに強い関心をお持ちのようですね。それでは、スナイピングの分野についてもっと理解しましょう。さあ、始めましょう! 📑 スナイピングとは、あらゆるコインをフロントラン(事前購入)しようとする試みです。非常に収益性が高いですが、同時に危険で予測不可能なタイプの収益でもあります。 たとえば、まだ取引が開始されていないコインの契約があるとします。当然、最低価格で最初に購入したいと思うでしょう。 しかし、私の相手はこのコインの契約を知りません。彼はXに座って、私がすでにすべてを持っているというアナウンスを待っています。フロントランナーを作ることで、ボットを使用してコインを自動的に購入することができます。 🐸 フロントランナーを作ることで、ボットを使用して、コインが利用可能になるとすぐに(文字通り1秒で)自動的に購入し、その後、私から1分後に手動で購入を開始する相手に販売することができます。 スナイパーの仕事はすべてボットを通じて行われます。ブロックチェーンごとに特定のボットがあります。個人的には、現在 Solana ブロックチェーンで取引しています。 #meme #memecoins #memecoin🚀🚀🚀

⭐️ ミームコインのスナイピングの仕組み


📑 スナイピングとは、あらゆるコインをフロントラン(事前購入)しようとする試みです。非常に収益性が高いですが、同時に危険で予測不可能なタイプの収益でもあります。



🐸 フロントランナーを作ることで、ボットを使用して、コインが利用可能になるとすぐに(文字通り1秒で)自動的に購入し、その後、私から1分後に手動で購入を開始する相手に販売することができます。

スナイパーの仕事はすべてボットを通じて行われます。ブロックチェーンごとに特定のボットがあります。個人的には、現在 Solana ブロックチェーンで取引しています。

#meme #memecoins #memecoin🚀🚀🚀

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🤖 Bitcoin price prediction 2033: Bernstein sees upside to $1m Bernstein, an asset management firm with over $750 billion in assets, is doubling down on its Bitcoin price prediction, raising their target for 2025 from $150,000 to $200,000. The prediction for 2033 is an astounding $1 million. Analysts at the firm shared their price projection for the flagship cryptocurrency on Friday. In a note to clients, the research firm said expectations for a surge in spot Bitcoin ETFs represents a bullish catalyst. “We believe that the U.S regulated ETFs were the watershed moment for crypto that brought in structural demand from traditional pools of capital,” Bernstein’s Gautam Chhugani and Mahika Sapra, noted. Since their trading debut in early January, spot Bitcoin ETFs have registered net inflows of more than $15 billion. According to the analysts, the global spot Bitcoin ETF market could grow to account for approximately 7% of BTC’s circulating supply by 2025. 🔸 BTC price to hit $1 million by 2033 The recent block reward halving that cut daily emission from around 900 bitcoins to 450 bitcoins is another factor, they noted, writing that an explosion in demand amid ongoing supply shock could propel BTC price to over $200k by mid-to-end of next year. The analysts also expect spot Bitcoin ETFs to account for roughly 15% of the “digital gold’s” circulating supply by 2033. In this case, a rally in price in relation to marginal cost of production could mean a surge to over $1 million in the next eight years. Gautam Chhugani and Mahika Sapra see Bitcoin at $500,000 by end of 2029 and over $1 million by 2033. Bernstein also initiated coverage on the MicroStrategy stock, assigning an outperform rating with a price target of $2,890 by end of 2025. MicroStrategy (MSTR) is an AI-powered cloud analytics firm that currently holds 214,400 bitcoins. The company has announced a $700 million convertible notes sale with proceeds set to buy more BTC. $BTC #BTC #Bitcoin
🫣 2.5M Solana (SOL) Shifted By Anonymous Whales In Push for Price Rebound According to Whale Alert, anonymous whales have transferred 2.5 million Solana (SOL) worth over $372 million. These transactions come during a bearish phase in the cryptocurrency market, with Solana experiencing a price and trading volume decline. 🔸 Solana Sees $372 Million in Whale Movements Whale Alert, a blockchain transaction tracker, reported that 1,000,000 SOL, valued at approximately $147.85 million, was transferred from an unknown wallet to a new, unidentified crypto wallet. Soon after, another substantial transaction was recorded, involving 1,519,488 SOL valued at around $224.64 million. Both transactions were conducted between unknown crypto wallets, raising questions about the motives behind these large movements. These significant transfers occur while Solana is grappling with market challenges. SOL price is trading at $147.73, reflecting a 1.95% decrease over the past 24 hours. Solana’s trading volume has sharply declined by 29.41%, indicating reduced market activity and investor interest. 🔸 SOL Price and Volume Drop Amid Transfers The broader cryptocurrency market is experiencing a bearish trend, and Solana is not immune. The decline in trading volume suggests that traders and investors are adopting a cautious approach, likely due to market volatility and broader economic concerns. Substantial whale movements have triggered speculation within the crypto community. Large transactions can indicate various scenarios, such as institutional investors repositioning their assets, internal wallet restructures by large holders or preparatory moves for strategic investments or sales. The precise reasons behind these whale transactions remain unclear. However, such significant movements often attract attention and speculation, providing potential insights into future market directions. Market participants closely monitor further developments to understand the possible impact on Solana and the broader crypto market. $SOL #SOL #Solana
💥 Unlocking Chainlink’s Potential: Is $17 the Next Target for LINK Price? Chainlink (LINK) recently surged to $16.21 but faced volatility, currently hovering around $15.35.Technical indicators like NVT and MVRV ratios suggest LINK is undervalued, and favorable for investors.Historical data indicates LINK has the potential to rebound, with past rallies supporting a return to $17 or higher. Chainlink (LINK) experienced an upward trend to $16.21 on Wednesday, June 12. Nonetheless, this upward movement was rather short-lived, whereby the price became volatile and eventually pulled back to be a bearish breakout. However, with these price fluctuations, there is still great interest in Chainlink’s token, where trading volume exceeds $367m within the last 24 hours. At the time of writing the LINK price is approximately $15.35, therefore hereby revealing a weekly drop of 12.2%. These figures influenced the initial boost in the LINK prices by pointing to a lower Consumer Price Index (CPI). This saw broader crypto market recovery and its components, such as LINK, get a boost. However, these gains were indeed temporary when BTC and other altcoins reduced the highs seen during the bull run. Despite this recent pullback, LINK has found the range and remains in a location where another impulse to the upside could be possible. Technical analysis indicators like the Network Value to Transactions ratio and the Market Value to Realized Value ratio indicate that Chainlink could be trading at a discount which allows value investors to get into the coin at a good risk-to-reward ratio. $LINK #LINK #Chainlink
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