Binance Square
**U.S. DOJ Requests Testimony from Former FTX Executives in SBF Trial** ⚖️📜 In the criminal trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has requested testimony from several former FTX executives. This includes former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison, FTX co-founder Gary Wang, and former FTX engineering director Nishad Singh, who has previously admitted to charges. However, it is not expected that former FTX executive Ryan Salameh will testify. The trial witnessed witness and jury selection on the 3rd, with four out of twelve potential jurors being excluded. U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, presiding over the case, is set to continue the jury selection process on the morning of the 4th and initiate the first arguments for the plaintiff and defendant. Meanwhile, Blockworks reports that U.S. prosecutors have mentioned that discussions about a plea agreement for SBF have not taken place. #FTX #SBF #DOJ #CriminalTrial #CryptoNews

**U.S. DOJ Requests Testimony from Former FTX Executives in SBF Trial** ⚖️📜

In the criminal trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has requested testimony from several former FTX executives. This includes former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison, FTX co-founder Gary Wang, and former FTX engineering director Nishad Singh, who has previously admitted to charges. However, it is not expected that former FTX executive Ryan Salameh will testify.

The trial witnessed witness and jury selection on the 3rd, with four out of twelve potential jurors being excluded. U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, presiding over the case, is set to continue the jury selection process on the morning of the 4th and initiate the first arguments for the plaintiff and defendant.

Meanwhile, Blockworks reports that U.S. prosecutors have mentioned that discussions about a plea agreement for SBF have not taken place.

#FTX #SBF #DOJ #CriminalTrial #CryptoNews

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