According to BlockBeats, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin recently praised the Worldcoin project for its serious approach to privacy criticism and its system design that relies less on data. In a response to a tweet about Worldcoin's data collection, Buterin stated, 'In my view, Worldcoin has actually been taking privacy criticism very seriously and designing a system that becomes less and less dependent on data. Modern cryptography is indeed amazing.'

Worldcoin, a cryptocurrency project, aims to create a global digital currency that can be distributed fairly to everyone. The project has faced criticism for its data collection methods, but Buterin's comments highlight the efforts made by the Worldcoin team to address these concerns and improve their privacy measures.

As the co-founder of Ethereum, one of the leading blockchain platforms, Buterin's opinion carries significant weight in the cryptocurrency community. His praise for Worldcoin's privacy efforts could potentially boost the project's credibility and encourage further development in the area of privacy-focused cryptocurrencies.