Frequently Asked Questions on Merchant Inquiries

*Only applicable for non-CN merchants

*Merchants are required to switch back to the English language and region display in order to get chat support for non-P2P-related inquiries.

General Introduction

  • Binance Chat is an artificial-intelligence-driven chat support function that can automatically respond to user inquiries and escalate the relevant problems to live support agents.
  • Binance Chat Support will be available 24/7.
  • Binance Chat “Merchant Inquiries” supports the following languages when displaying questions: Russian, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, French, Italian, and Filipino.
  • Binance P2P has an exclusive merchant inquiry category in our live support function on Binance Chat
  • It is an initiative to provide better customer service for our merchants. Previously, both merchant’s and non-merchant’s inquiries were concurrently handled by our support agents. Now, merchants can seek immediate help for some of the most frequently asked questions. Moreover, we have a dedicated team of customer service agents who will only focus on assisting our merchants.
  • We will no longer be using Telegram for communication purposes, and any messages on telegram will no longer be responded to by the P2P team. However, we may still keep the telegram groups in case there is an urgent need to get in touch with our merchants.

How to access Binance Chat Merchant Inquiries?

1. Click the yellow chat icon located at the bottom right corner of or merchant web portal.

2. Click [P2P Merchant] to ask for general P2P-related inquiries, faqs, or to escalate appeals, report scams, and seek technical assistance.

*Please be responsive throughout the whole chat session to avoid unnecessary communication delays.

*Unresponsive chat sessions will be manually terminated. You will need to open a new case.

What are the different categories for P2P inquiries?

P2P Assets Transferring Issues

Binance Spot and P2P wallets allow users to perform a bi-directional transfer of assets. If you were unable to transfer assets from Spot to P2P account, you should seek help from the “Spot team” to address your concerns.

During P2P to Spot wallet transfers, if any assets that have been deducted from your P2P wallet but have yet to reach the Spot wallet, you will receive immediate instructions on how to rectify the issue.

P2P Other Issues

P2P issues that are related to account functions and other general inquiries will be directed to the customer support team for further assistance. For these cases, users will be required to provide additional information about their problems to get better support.

P2P Merchant Frequently Asked Questions

We have prepared detailed step-by-step instructions on how these problems can be resolved. Binance Chat will instantly provide an answer to these questions. For reports of any fraudulent or suspicious P2P trading activities, such as inconsistency in bank account holder name with the user’s registered KYC name, please kindly indicate the affected order ID and directly contact our support team.

How to apply for Cash trade Merchants

Report P2P Scams

Technical assistance

Escalate appeal

For unresolved appeal cases which have been initiated longer than 6 hours, merchants may choose to escalate their appeals by providing the order ID to our live chat agents.