Fellow Binancians,
Binance will perform a scheduled system upgrade starting at 2019/08/15 02:00 AM (UTC). The upgrade will take approximately 6-8 hours.
Major improvements in this upgrade include:
The full API changelog for this update can be found
.Binance will suspend deposits, withdrawals, and trading during the upgrade period. Deposits that are not completed before the start of the upgrade will be processed after the upgrade is complete. Please allow some time for deposits to be reflected in your account following the system upgrade.
Once the upgrade is complete, we will make a further announcement and provide users with a 30 minute window to cancel orders, process deposits, withdrawals, and use all other account related functions before trading resumes.
It is recommended that users with open Margin positions re-assess their collateral balances prior to the start of the upgrade to mitigate against price fluctuations that may occur during the upgrade period.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience.
Please note: The 6-8 hours is based on our best estimates and may vary. As usual, we will maintain regular communication on the progress of the upgrade on our various social media channels.
Thanks for your support!
Binance Team
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