To celebrate QLC listing on Binance, we have committed a total of 3,000,000 QLC to give away to our fans worldwide.
Users will be ranked in terms of the total QLC volume traded on their Binance account (including both Buys & Sells) across all QLC trading pairs during the competition period.
Competition time: 2018/03/29 0:00 AM-2018/04/05 0:00 AM (UTC)
Trading Competition: 1,000,000 QLC in total to Win!
1st: receive 300,000 QLC
2nd: receive 200,000 QLC
3rd: receive 100,000 QLC
4th-10th: evenly split a pool of 400,000 QLC
1% Trading Return Bonus: 2,000,000 QLC in total to Win!
Winners receive: 1% return bonus on their total QLC trading volume, up to a total of 1,000 QLC each.
Eligible users will be ranked in terms of their QLC trading volume.
The prizes will be distributed in the above order, down the ranking list, until the total 2,000,000 QLC has been exhausted. Only users that trade at least 20,000 QLC will be eligible for this bonus.
Thanks for your support!
Binance Team
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