It is very easy for us to start new relationships, and naturally we will be fascinated with each other in the beginning, and there will be different things and many nice details throughout the day. All of this is easy. It comes for the middle period or after the beginnings, when everyone brings out what he has and the disagreements and habituality, or rather “boredom,” begin. It is okay. We were a little impressed with something new, and there was almost nothing left to talk about or do. For a while, the problems would increase and gradually disappear, or all at once without any confrontations at all. This is what happens when you decide to enter someone’s life just because of your “appearance” or “outward” fascination. Contrary to the fact that you will remain fascinated and impressed by the same person as a whole, you will find something new with him every day, or at least completely, meaning you will not have the feeling that you are not able to spend your day with him, and what is finished is “normal” or less.