Hard time for the bearish traders , but keep in mind that when price become high the ppl become very sensitive to any bad signal , so the down time always quick and sharp , if your liquidation price higher than 71 k and your entered price higher than 64 and you are not risking more than 50% of your wallet , then you are in the safe zone , keep it and wait … within this week we will see 60 to 64 price .
For others it is bearish time ,, keep in mind the entry point any thing between 66k to 68 k , tp : 62571 , SL: 71111 Keep in mind that this trade is not short time , it is 3 to 10 days , only use 5x margin and not more than 33% of wallet .
Said before it wasn’t good time to trade , the last week I mean . Now we see btc around the top , so my advise is to sell , if you catch it before it go down to 63500 .
This time not good for trade , the profit for this time is to wait the next wave , the market 80% going down ,, we will see 58 k in next days and maybe less . The next good buy zone is 55 k to 57 k , I’m not expecting going down less than 54 k .
Before 2 days , I advised all to bearish … told you it was the top , today I’m advising again to “ bearish “ I think the political situation will lead to down market for some time … now I think we may see 56 k to 58 k .
#btc Again I said 2 days ago , it is bearish time … we already reach the top by 66k . It is still good time to do that , this wave will go to 58 a 62 .
Now we are almost at top .. it is the bearish time ,,, I’m not expecting to see any price higher than 67000 , but after it we will see down movement to range 58000 to 62000 . #BTC☀ #btc #sol #bnb
#MarketDownturn As you may know , one of the biggest crypto market is in Japan … we are still at the begging of this down , there is about half trillion need to pay back to banks .. Japanese was taking loan to trade cus of the 28 year Zero interest, which end now . I’m not expecting crash , but down market with about 10% to 15% down of current level which I think will stay for almost 1 to 2 weeks. Another important reason for down is the political situation happening now in MENA region .
Mean reason for this crash which was clear it will happen is the political situation… tell thing become more quit this down will continue what I’m expecting for the low value we may see is :
Any one had done what I advised them to do yesterday , now making good profit … some of them should made 10% . I’m not advising now to sell … let’s wait tell Sunday … things will be more clear .
It is almost reach what I expect before 3 days , now from what i see it will stay in this range for about 4 to 7 days … then we will see improvement in the price ,, any good news will make huge price up . So I could say Buy #BTC☀ between 56999 to 54000 Buy #eth between 3049 to 2900 Buy #bnb between 510 to 470 Buy #sol between 129 to 111
Keep your eyes on charts and make your decision buy checking the numbers you see ,, if you buy within any of those range … - low is better - I think you will make good profit within the next days . Stay away from future … only use spot or very low margin .
From what I see , I think this time is little different , but won’t go for extreme down , i think we may see #btc 54000 to 56000 #eth less than 3000 #bnb 470 to 490 After that the market will stay some time then will come back to the now level .
We may see 58k to 60k #btc today but nothing less it is about the political situation in MENA “ Lebanon vs Israel “ also it look like there is news about delay the second stage of approving the ETF . #eth price may go for long time down .. it may reach 2800 to 3000 within this week .