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贵州竟查出女厅官“奇事”!327个比特币引发关注😮 贵州省大数据局原局长景亚萍,61岁的她在被查时,一系列令人咋舌的情况被曝光。 现场搜查堪称惊人,其办公室被查出成箱的加密硬盘。经过数据恢复,惊人的秘密浮出水面,硬盘里竟藏着比特币钱包密钥。这新形态的赃款方式,确实让人瞠目结舌。网友们调侃:“这是大数据在反腐,硬盘可比账本‘诚实’多了!” 再看她的操作,“手段”着实独特。打着“数字贵州”的旗号,她大力揽项目。在招标文件里,她设置专属加密水印,通过这种隐蔽的方式定向输送利益。 她的前下属爆料,此人在相关讲解中,把区块链讲得玄之又玄,满口“链上安全”,看似高大上,实际上就是在搞自己的一套利益链条。 数据显示她的行为带来的经济问题,其主推的3个省级数据平台,超出预算竟达20亿之多。而招标中标的企业,全都是她女婿控股的空壳公司。 最让人意想不到的是,她还利用政府云服务器挖矿。到被查查时,矿池里还剩下327个比特币。网友们无奈又戏谑:贵州算力还没怎么发展,倒是先让她家发了一笔“横财”。
$PNUT 马斯克喊单了!
$PNUT 马斯克喊单了!
$PNUT 模因币受到炒作、社交媒体等驱动蓬勃发展,很多项目诞生之后就引起了市场的关注,PNUT币就是其中一个。PNUT币英文全称为Peanut the Squirrel,中文名称为松鼠币,是一款Solana模因币,灵感源自松鼠Peanut的悲惨故事,松鼠Peanut是一只从主人手中扣押的宠物松鼠,在11月初安乐死。pnut是从sol走出来为数不多的meme,看好pnut10*。
$PNUT 模因币受到炒作、社交媒体等驱动蓬勃发展,很多项目诞生之后就引起了市场的关注,PNUT币就是其中一个。PNUT币英文全称为Peanut the Squirrel,中文名称为松鼠币,是一款Solana模因币,灵感源自松鼠Peanut的悲惨故事,松鼠Peanut是一只从主人手中扣押的宠物松鼠,在11月初安乐死。pnut是从sol走出来为数不多的meme,看好pnut10*。
$PNUT 比特币暴跌后反弹,市场酝酿史诗级拉升? 昨天,比特币从94k暴跌至86k,多空双爆。周三清晨,市场开始小幅反弹。这一波下跌让比特币彻底脱离了2月份以来的96k横盘区间,并击穿了90k关键心理点位。 目前,BTC在小级别出现止跌迹象,日线收在绿线之上,未跌破结构。小级别压力位在89500和91400(重要)。若突破91400,可能确认100k以上的上涨。 我在昨天的文章中提到,这波下跌后,预计会反弹至101-105k,然后C浪可能下探80k甚至78k。大跌是抄底机会,因为趋势还未结束。下半年可能是超级大牛,原因之一是美国储备相关法案的通过,将吸引大量圈外资金入场,推动加密市场爆炸式上涨。 虽然大盘下跌,但一些次新meme币如pnut、act、neiro表现强势,未跟随大盘下跌,反弹时迅速拉涨。3月份的反弹行情可能从meme币开始,这些币已经超跌,后续值得关注。此外,Layer1、AI、RWA等赛道的优质山寨币也值得关注。
$PNUT 比特币暴跌后反弹,市场酝酿史诗级拉升?
Hey! How come this dead guy Audi ORDI is alive again today? Leading the rise! Is Inscription going to pick up again? That's right, Inscription has been silent for a long time, after all, it is still the pillar of Bitcoin ecology! Then shouldn't Sats also show some performance? Send a red envelope to encourage all the brothers who play Inscription and have Sats to get out of the trap. Just leave a message in the comment area saying Sats will rise soon and you can get $OM lucky red envelopes! #红包 #红包大派送 #红包🧧 #ordi​​​ #sats(SATS) $ORDI
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Where can I check the holdings of ordi?
Where can I check the holdings of ordi?
$ORDI withdraw money, withdraw money to your own account on the chain! Ordi on the exchange is being withdrawn in large quantities!
The market is too tough, Xin Ge is sending Bitcoin red envelopes to his brothers, so that we can get through this tough altcoin bear market together,
Reply: Hold on, automatically receive.
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The God of Wealth is Present
The God of Wealth is Present
Today is the fifth day, welcoming the God of Wealth, brothers,
So New Brother's red envelope is here, still a Bitcoin red envelope
Reply: God of Wealth possesses (you)
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To celebrate the New Year, share your insights and analysis on Binance Square using the hashtag "#加密圈新年预测2025谁将是黑马 " and you will have a chance to share a USDC reward worth 8,888 USD!

Event time: 2025-02-01 17:00 (UTC+8) to 2025-02-02 17:00 (UTC+8) 

Terms and conditions:
-During the event, if there is malicious volume manipulation, a large number of registered small accounts, self-buying and self-selling, mutual knocking and other cheating behaviors, Binance will strictly review and disqualify you from participating;
-The rewards will be issued to eligible users in the form of token vouchers within 21 working days after the end of the event. Users can view and redeem in Account > Reward Center; learn how to redeem token vouchers.
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Sudden Wealth
Sudden Wealth
Happy New Year, comments bring wealth,
Setting off huge fireworks for the brothers $BTC
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Keep it up
Keep it up
I sent Bitcoin red envelopes to my brothers on Xiaonian!
Come on in the New Year, be full of hope no matter what!
Reply: Come on
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Keep it up
Keep it up
Send Bitcoin red envelopes to brothers, a total of 10,000 red envelopes.
The market is very bad, but it doesn’t matter, I will stick with Xin Ge and always be with you.
Reply: Come on, automatically receive Bitcoin red envelopes
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How to lock up MAX for new investments?
How to lock up MAX for new investments?
Is Max the next axs?
Axs has a maximum of 10 billion, Virtual has a maximum of 4 billion,
the essence is to drive market value growth after the ecological explosion.
So the essence of Axs virtual max is essentially the same,
it's just that everyone's focus is different, one is chain games, the other is Ai agent.

Max's market value has already surpassed the popular vvaifu clanker, the most promising is still the platform token, the last one was BBG, the one before that was Virtual, and the recent one is MAX.
All the nested pledge empowerment revolves around the platform token.

#加密市场回调 #本轮牛市周期预期 #微策略持续增持BTC #币安MegadropSOLV #特朗普上台概念币有哪些?
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Big God, how to lock up max for new investment?
Big God, how to lock up max for new investment?
The market has crashed, and MAX continues to reach new highs.

On the 11th, the third ecological project will start, and a large amount of MAX will be locked up, which means MAX will rise again.

Is Max the next AXS? AXS peaked at 10 billion, Virtual peaked at 4 billion, and essentially, it’s about the market cap rising after the ecosystem explodes.

So AXS, Virtual, and MAX are essentially the same; it’s just that everyone has different trends, one is blockchain games, and the other is AI agents.

MAX's market cap has already surpassed the hot VVAIFU CLANKER, and the most promising is still the platform token; the previous one was BBG, the one before that was Virtual, and the most recent is MAX. Everything regarding nested staking empowerment revolves around platform tokens.
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The current hype of AI has far surpassed everything else—After experiencing multiple market trends such as: inscriptions, runes, AI, DEPIN, RWA, TON ecosystem, SUI ecosystem, MEME, elections, ETF sector, NFT, platform tokens, DESCI, AI AGENT, the strongest narrative may have already emerged: AI agent. This is a track that combines Meme liquidity and Build value narratives, with an enormous potential for topic expansion. There may be a short-term pullback, but do not fear the entry of Brother Sun; AI + Crypto will definitely reach 10 billion, 20 billion, 50 billion, or even higher!
The current hype of AI has far surpassed everything else—After experiencing multiple market trends such as: inscriptions, runes, AI, DEPIN, RWA, TON ecosystem, SUI ecosystem, MEME, elections, ETF sector, NFT, platform tokens, DESCI, AI AGENT, the strongest narrative may have already emerged: AI agent. This is a track that combines Meme liquidity and Build value narratives, with an enormous potential for topic expansion. There may be a short-term pullback, but do not fear the entry of Brother Sun; AI + Crypto will definitely reach 10 billion, 20 billion, 50 billion, or even higher!
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How does Max participate in new offerings?
How does Max participate in new offerings?
$MAX attracts people with its rise, a significant ecological explosion. After a small pullback, it continues to reach new highs.
Currently, there are only 70 people in the Chinese Telegram group, and it hasn't been listed on a secondary exchange yet, it's still early.

The new ecological coin launched the day before yesterday has so far increased by over 1000 times.
However, the allocation was too small; I only took a few dozen U in allocation, but the profit is still quite substantial.
#币安MegadropSOLV #BTC重返10万
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Sudden Wealth
Sudden Wealth
The New Year red envelopes are here, Happy New Year,
When the mountains are exhausted and the waters run dry, 2025 will be a year of wealth
Reply: Wealth
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Keep it up
Keep it up
From now on, New Brother will also be Binance Square Little Yellow V
Let's get a little Bitcoin red envelope, let's work hard together, brothers, hurry up and make money.
Reply 'Go' to automatically receive.
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Get rich
Get rich
The cryptocurrency world is ruthless, but Xin Ge is loving.
10,000 Bitcoin red envelopes are given back to fans
They are all Bitcoins. I wish everyone to get rich with Xin Ge.
Comment in the comment area: Get rich automatically
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This year or this bull market, I can't find a second pure meme with a narrative ability stronger than PNUT.
This year or this bull market, I can't find a second pure meme with a narrative ability stronger than PNUT.
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