$FLOKI in the second place among the falling ones, fuck the airdrop you will make. A project is constantly being announced, it is falling instead of rising. The last time btc fell to this level was when it was 48 thousand dollars. floki team sold, we trusted these guys, they let us down.
We bought 1 million spells 10 months ago thinking that $SPELL ulan would be $0.10. It came out empty, whenever it rises it returns to its old place. I hope this will not end like reef. They released locked tokens to the market. They continued supply, it fell as it fell.
$FLOKI Unfortunately, the downtrend continues, there is no old volume, no one looks at your face, and the news did not help. If BTC reaches $48,000, it will drop to around $0.00008.
$FLOKI The volume has melted, there is only sales. Bots are buying and selling. Nobody cares about Floki. I think he is dead. We had trusted him so much.
$REEF They have worn out the people for 3 years. Now they are calling it crazy. It is a shame, it is a shame. I sold it at an eighty percent loss and bought #FLOKI , I am glad I did. Do not buy this, it is garbage.
$FLOKI Fly, what are you waiting for? News after news comes, not even a reaction. You fall 60 percent from where you hit the top. At least those who sold at the top should buy back. What kind of a business is this, my friend? The volume has melted, nothing is left, only the bot is working. What kind of a business is this?
$FLOKI What happened to this? Look here, there is not even any volume left. When BTC falls, it goes ahead, when BTC rises, it comes from behind. What happened to all that news? Is the team running after secret things, what is going on? Is the team selling what they have?
$SPELL They quietly released nearly 50 billion supply to the market after March, how could this increase? When I entered this, half of the supply was in circulation. I experienced the same thing with a coin called Reef. You had a 2 billion supply, then they made the supply unlimited, it went up to 20 billion, it devastated people, Binance had followed it. Now I think they will follow Spell. What does this community really do, is there a community?