🔥 Smart Arbitrage - a Smart Arbitrage feature that allows users to earn funding fees by hedging their Perpetual Futures position with a Spot position. This is a way for users to benefit from Funding Rate payments, while minimizing the risk of sharp price fluctuations. ------------------------ Learn more about the new feature and try it out with the launch offer - earn up to 17.18% APR when you sign up for Smart Arbitrage with $USDT! ------------------------ [[Check chi tiết Ở ĐÂY]](https://www.binance.com/vi/support/announcement/gi%E1%BB%9Bi-thi%E1%BB%87u-v%E1%BB%81-smart-arbitrage-%C4%91%C4%83ng-k%C3%BD-usdt-v%C3%A0-nh%E1%BA%ADn-apr-l%C3%AAn-t%E1%BB%9Bi-17-18-258ee7f9f9ed496ebdd48edfbbd5f9ca)