$BTC The long-short game in the coin circle, guard against risks, 63000 went directly to 58000, and the long-short ratio reached 3.3. It has rebounded to a high of nearly 62000. Next, it will be repaired! Rebound is the main thing!

When it plummeted to around 58000 at 4 am, only the big cake created a new low. The village villages no longer followed, suspected to have been oversold. At present, the village villages have rebounded to near yesterday's high point.

🔥Binance Chain Potential Project🔥

Binance only provides projects with Binance Chain data security

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Oaks Binance contract, a 100-fold potential project in the primary market

0xfbc2ae69b62353b07591ec0faf67aa7ee933417b You can create a wallet in the TP wallet Binance Smart Chain, search for OSKS contracts, and buy and sell on Pancake

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