Through their partnership with Binance Academy, PowerPool and the Learn and Earn program, users are introduced to PowerPool’s DeFi automation network. Through participation in this campaign, participants may learn more about PowerPool’s CVP cryptocurrency and get incentives. The program’s objective is to improve members’ comprehension of the DeFi while offering real rewards.

PowerPool & Binance Academy Learn and Earn Event!

Dive into the world of #PowerPool's #DePin automation network and earn $CVP while expanding your #DeFi knowledge!

👉 Course Link :

Start learning and earning today with @BinanceAcademy!

— PowerPool (@powerpoolcvp) June 21, 2024

What Is PowerPool (CVP)?

PowerPool provides Transaction Signing as a Service (TSaaS) using its dePIN. It enables protocols, AI agents, and end users to execute operations on the chain automatically. Users may assign PowerPool the task of automating their on-chain activities, including trading and incentives farming.

The Keeper bots that make up PowerPool’s network, referred to as PowerAgents, carry out transactions that are prompted by both on-chain and off-chain events. Ethereum, Arbitrum, Gnosis, and Polygon are among the chains on which the service is now operational. Additional networks are planned for the future. For further functionality, PowerPool interfaces with Gnosis Safe and supports Account Abstraction.

Learn & Earn Event Overview: What Should We Expect?

The Learn and Earn event centers on PowerPool’s function in carrying out AI, user, and protocol automation requirements. Participants will learn more about the PowerPool network’s use of the CVP coin and its ecosystem.

Participants will investigate PowerAgent, PowerPool’s decentralized network of Keeper bots. Transaction Signing as a Service is offered by this network, allowing on-chain activities to be automatically executed in response to certain triggers. The topic of flows, or transaction sequences that may be carried out automatically, will be covered throughout the process.

Additionally, PowerPool’s interoperability with Ethereum L2s, Bitcoin L2s, L3s, and parallelized EVM chains will be taught to the students. There will also be talks about the current implementation on the testnets for Ethereum, Arbitrum, Gnosis, Polygon, and Sepolia.

The program will go over how users don’t need to manage their own infrastructure since PowerPool automates scheduled transactions.

An overview of PowerPool’s network architecture, including Jobs, Keepers, and the central Agent contract, will be given as well. Students will learn about PowerPool’s partnerships with other blockchain projects, including SupremeDAO, DappNode, Gitcoin, Partitura, Gnosis Chain, and Breadchain.

How to Participate in the Event?

Individuals can join the Learn and Earn program through the Binance Academy platform. Detailed instructions for enrollment and participation are provided on the official event page.

For taking part in this event, participants can expect generous rewards:

  • Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of PowerPool’s technology and its role in DeF;

  • If participants complete the learning program successfully, they have a chance to earn CVP tokens as rewards;

  • Individuals will acquire valuable insights into the future of automation in Web3 and DeFi.

For the most up-to-date information and to participate in the event, you should visit the official Binance Academy website or PowerPool’s communication channels.

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