Cryptocurrencies continue their rise in the financial market, breaking records and attracting the attention of investors, regulators and users. Among the major digital currencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum stand out for their value and potential.

Bitcoin, the oldest and most popular cryptocurrency, has exceeded $30,000 per unit, a historical level not seen since January of this year. According to the [CoinMarketCap](^1^) portal, the price of Bitcoin at the time of writing this note is $30,745.4, which represents an increase of 102% in the last 24 hours.

The rise in $BTC is due to several factors, including greater adoption by companies and institutions, a shortage of supply due to the limit of 21 million units that can be created, and the expectation of greater inflation in the United States and other countries due to monetary stimuli to face the coronavirus crisis.

Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has also seen strong growth in recent days, approaching $2,000 per unit. According to [CoinMarketCap](^1^), the price of Ethereum at the time of writing this note is $1,857.42, which represents an increase of 1.01% in the last 24 hours.

$ETH is the leading platform for the development of decentralized applications (#dApps ), smart contracts and non-fungible tokens (#NFTS ), which are some of the most innovative and promising sectors of the crypto ecosystem. Additionally, Ethereum is in the process of transitioning to a new, more scalable, sustainable and secure version, called Ethereum 2.0, which could boost its value even further.

However, investing in cryptocurrencies is not without risks and challenges. These include price volatility, lack of regulation in some countries, competition between different platforms and projects, and the possibility of computer attacks or theft.

Therefore, before investing in #Criptomonedas , it is important to be well informed about how it works, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the options available to purchase, store and protect it.

One way to learn about the world of cryptocurrencies is to consult reliable and specialized sources, such as the portals [CriptoNoticias](^4^) and [Cointelegraph](^5^), which offer news, analysis and opinions about #blockchain , #Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

Another way is to turn to artificial intelligence to get advice or recommendations on which cryptocurrencies to buy or sell. For example, Google Bard is a tool that answers questions about the crypto market using advanced algorithms and historical data.

According to [MSN](^2^), if you ask Google Bard to spend $100 on cryptocurrencies, he will respond something like this: "I would buy $50 worth of Bitcoin (BTC), $25 worth of Ethereum (ETH), and $25 worth of Bitcoin (ETH). Cardano (ADA). These are the three most popular cryptocurrencies with the greatest long-term growth potential."

But not everything is money in the world of cryptocurrencies. There are also social, cultural and legal aspects that must be taken into account. For example, what happens to a person's cryptocurrencies when they die? How can they be inherited or claimed?

According to [Yahoo Finance](^3^), this is a complex issue that depends on several factors, such as the type of purse or wallet used to store cryptocurrencies, the private keys or passwords you have, and the laws in force. in each country or jurisdiction.

In general, it is recommended to leave clear and secure instructions on how to access cryptocurrencies in the event of death, as well as designate a trusted beneficiary or heir. You can also use specialized services that facilitate the transmission of digital assets to loved ones.

In conclusion, cryptocurrencies are a reality that cannot be ignored, and that offers opportunities and challenges for everyone who wants to participate in the future of the digital economy. The important thing is to be well informed, prudent and responsible, and enjoy the learning and innovation that this fascinating world offers.


(1) Cryptocurrencies today: price of the main digital currencies as of August 9.

(2) Cryptocurrencies today: price of the main digital currencies as of August 9.

(3) CriptoNoticias - Bitcoin, Ethereum and cryptocurrency news.

(4) Noticias de Cointelegraph sobre blockchain, Bitcoin y Ethereum.

(5) This is what Google Bard recommends if you ask him to spend $100 on cryptocurrency.ólares-en-criptomonedas/ar-AA1f00GT.

(6) What happens to a person's Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies when they die.

(7) Cryptocurrencies, Cryptocurrency News | The Economist.