If there are time travelers among my fans, just take a look here.

You don’t need to travel to the distant past, you can directly locate and travel to January 2016. At this time, 1 Bitcoin was $400. Buy it without hesitation.

At the end of 2017, all Bitcoins were sold at a price of $18,000, and the principal increased by 45 times.

At the end of 2017, Netflix shares were bought at a price of $180, and sold at $420 in June 2018, and the principal increased by 105 times.

Hold this cash for a year, buy Tesla at $12 in June 2019, and sell it at $400 in November 2021, and the principal increased by 3,500 times.

Continue to hold this cash for a year, and buy Nvidia at $110 in October 2022. Today, Nvidia’s stock price is $1,255, and the principal increased by 40,000 times.

If you used up your foreign exchange quota in early 2016 and exchanged 50,000 US dollars (equivalent to 330,000 RMB at the time) to perform the above operations, eight years later, your assets would be 2 billion US dollars today.

Please remember all these numbers.

If you become rich, don't forget each other.

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