How high is the threshold for trading?

There is an interesting phenomenon in the various professions in society. For those with high thresholds, there are only a few who meet the standards, and they must have a high income. For example, many high-tech research and development positions, as well as some emerging niche professions. For those with low thresholds, there must be many participants. The more people there are, the thinner the profit, and the more intense the competition. For example, this is the case with today's stock market and futures market. As the employment situation becomes increasingly severe, more and more people will be forced to enter the financial market to make a living.

The above is not the point I want to say. What I want to express is that there is no unified standard for the threshold of trading. What is particularly interesting is that the threshold varies from person to person.

Some people are simple-minded and stubborn. When they first came into contact with trading, they encountered a trading system with positive return expectations introduced by others (such systems are numerous), and they did it. No matter what market conditions they encountered, he insisted. Let me tell you a true story. Many years ago, a friend of mine took in an apprentice who knew nothing and asked him to operate the thread, single moving average system, 30-minute 180 moving average, that is, light position, long and short, continuous operation. I hope he can experience trading in practice. After 2 years, this apprentice's cognition has not increased much. But his performance is very good. We are all very surprised by his execution ability. The internal logic of his successful entry is clear. The single moving average system is the best system to follow the trend. The moving average value is also reasonable. His light position greatly increases the tolerance rate in the unfavorable period of the market. The rebar market in those years was also okay. He himself is content with what he has and does not look at the mountain on the other side. A few things, put together on him, it will come naturally. Is the trading threshold high for him? He got started easily. As for the subsequent optimization of the single moving average operation based on his perception, that is another story.

Some people are born hardworking and are also academic masters, but they have worked hard for many years without getting the point and have never been able to cross the threshold of trading. In this market, many people are more diligent than everyone imagines. It is common to forget to eat and sleep. The notes written and the books read are piled up higher than people. They have not been able to get out of this maze until now. Even though they have rich trading knowledge, are familiar with all kinds of schools and understand trading systems and methods better than anyone else, they just cannot make money in real trading.$ETH