⭐ Wormhole $W has launched staking, should you stake and how will this impact the price in the near future?

- Last night Wormhole announced that it allows users to stake, but this is not a stake to receive interest, but a stake to vote to choose voting rights similar to $ARB in 2023.

- In my opinion, those who intend to hold $W for a long time can stake to hunt for airdrops in the system or receive Monad tokens.

- Because Monad's Angel Investor is also Wormhole's Co-Founder, there will be a connection here

- In early July, W will also have a token unlock, so if W stake at this time, the project may also want to keep the chart.

- W has only increased 30% from the bottom and Cap is about more than 1 BILLION so I think this price is not too high and will approach the $1 mark in the near future.

- This stake is a voting authorization so the tokens will not be locked and you can sell them anytime you want

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