📌Liquidity, just like water in the ocean, is the lifeblood of the economy. The more liquidity there is, the easier it is to buy and sell assets and the more stable the prices.
📌 When liquidity decreases, the opposite happens. Buying and selling transactions become difficult, price fluctuations increase and markets become unstable. We are witnessing how liquidity is increasing and shifting to different areas in the current period.
📌We can now understand that we are in bull season. First, we will see that noiseless coins such as $NOT , which have high liquidity behind them but rise at unexpected times, are tied to the horizontal by projects with high liquidity such as $ARB , and finally the rise of coins such as $XRP begins again👍👍
📍📍Tip: If you follow which coins' volumes decrease when USDT is minted, you will be more likely to catch the ones that will rise and make a better analysis on them..👍👍