Today, $PEPE fluctuates between 0.0000134-0.0000145. This is because the currency is adjusting its strength to then impact and increase.
Today I did an analysis, where 2 things could happen, as you see in the picture, the currency since the new resistance level (0.00001414) has been trending in price action of it, indicated by the blue arrows, where it goes up and he goes down, meaning he plays within his support zone.
Going back to the analysis done, the coin will most likely perform above its support level (orange rectangle) where it could perform a bit and then break the 0.00001576 resistance (purple arrow) or may continue to operate for a longer period above its support level and then break the above mentioned resistance (yellow arrow).
In the long term, the currency is on an upward trend, for which I advise you NOT to SELL your coins, as we will continue to make profits soon.