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President Joe Biden's re-election campaign team appears to be seeking a meme expert to win over Gen Z voters. The Biden for President (BFP) campaign has posted a job opening for "Associate Manager" and a successful candidate will have responsibility for launching and managing "day-to-day operations" of engaging with the internet's most popular content and meme pages. Biden's team will pay the Wilmington, Delaware-based meme manager between $65,000 and $85,000 a year, slightly higher than the average wage for digital marketers in the United States. According to the job description, Biden memer's primary role will be to manage relationships with digital media companies, podcast publishers and "meme pages across a range of social media platforms." Biden's team has dabbled in memes before, with his campaign adopting the "Dark Brandon" laser-eyed meme in early 2022 that sought to portray the 81-year-old Biden as internet-savvy. The move appears to be the latest example of the oldest US president trying to woo a younger electorate. Democrats have also reversed their stance on cryptocurrencies in what appears to be a vote-gathering effort, with presidential candidate Donald Trump backing them. On the other side of politics, Trump is no stranger to memes. His August 2023 mugshot went viral after he was processed at the Fulton County Jail for his fourth indictment. His campaign team seized the opportunity and immediately began selling T-shirts, mugs and merch with images, and released a “MugShot” nonfungible token (NFT) collection in December. In early May, the Trump-themed MAGA memecoin rallied after pro-crypto comments. What do you think about this? Leave your comments below.#blockchain#cryptocurrency#Biden#Trump

President Joe Biden's re-election campaign team appears to be seeking a meme expert to win over Gen Z voters. The Biden for President (BFP) campaign has posted a job opening for "Associate Manager" and a successful candidate will have responsibility for launching and managing "day-to-day operations" of engaging with the internet's most popular content and meme pages.

Biden's team will pay the Wilmington, Delaware-based meme manager between $65,000 and $85,000 a year, slightly higher than the average wage for digital marketers in the United States. According to the job description, Biden memer's primary role will be to manage relationships with digital media companies, podcast publishers and "meme pages across a range of social media platforms."

Biden's team has dabbled in memes before, with his campaign adopting the "Dark Brandon" laser-eyed meme in early 2022 that sought to portray the 81-year-old Biden as internet-savvy. The move appears to be the latest example of the oldest US president trying to woo a younger electorate.

Democrats have also reversed their stance on cryptocurrencies in what appears to be a vote-gathering effort, with presidential candidate Donald Trump backing them. On the other side of politics, Trump is no stranger to memes. His August 2023 mugshot went viral after he was processed at the Fulton County Jail for his fourth indictment.

His campaign team seized the opportunity and immediately began selling T-shirts, mugs and merch with images, and released a “MugShot” nonfungible token (NFT) collection in December. In early May, the Trump-themed MAGA memecoin rallied after pro-crypto comments.

What do you think about this? Leave your comments below.#blockchain#cryptocurrency#Biden#Trump

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