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In recent years, vertical screen short dramas have become popular on short video platforms and have become a money-making tool. This year, users' interest has shifted to supporting roles, and the short drama industry has gradually become formalized. Recently, Web3 has also ushered in a short drama trend. On May 22, the first Web3 native short drama "Rebirth: I am a Big Boss in the Currency Circle" was launched on the Huobi Live platform. Previously, "Back to the Future: I am the King of Bitcoin" on the BitRealms platform was launched on April 26. Both dramas adopt the refreshing form of rebirth and counterattack, presenting the history of blockchain in a humorous way. The reason why Web3 short dramas are only now popular is, on the one hand, the niche nature of the encryption field, and on the other hand, the challenge of the profit model. Traditional short dramas mainly rely on membership subscriptions and advertising revenue, while Web3 short dramas explore the "Watch to Earn" model. For example, "Back to the Future: I am the King of Bitcoin" drops tokens IBOSS by watching short dramas, and cooperates with the Web3 short video social application Whistle. Although the initial income is limited, it provides possibilities for long-term development. The core of the profit model lies in advertising revenue and token liquidity. BitRealms earns revenue through project advertising and customized content services, while "Reborn as a Big Boss in the Cryptocurrency Circle" relies on the cooperation between Audemars Piguet and Huobi Platform, and attracting traffic is its core purpose. Overall, the current profit model of Web3 short dramas is relatively fragile, and it is necessary to improve its self-sustaining ability to maintain long-term operations. In the case of more restrictions on Web3, short dramas must either return to Web2 traffic or form a closed ecosystem with token appreciation as the core. The producers of both short dramas use short dramas as a starting point and are committed to ecological development, but challenges still exist.

In recent years, vertical screen short dramas have become popular on short video platforms and have become a money-making tool. This year, users' interest has shifted to supporting roles, and the short drama industry has gradually become formalized.

Recently, Web3 has also ushered in a short drama trend. On May 22, the first Web3 native short drama "Rebirth: I am a Big Boss in the Currency Circle" was launched on the Huobi Live platform. Previously, "Back to the Future: I am the King of Bitcoin" on the BitRealms platform was launched on April 26. Both dramas adopt the refreshing form of rebirth and counterattack, presenting the history of blockchain in a humorous way.

The reason why Web3 short dramas are only now popular is, on the one hand, the niche nature of the encryption field, and on the other hand, the challenge of the profit model. Traditional short dramas mainly rely on membership subscriptions and advertising revenue, while Web3 short dramas explore the "Watch to Earn" model. For example, "Back to the Future: I am the King of Bitcoin" drops tokens IBOSS by watching short dramas, and cooperates with the Web3 short video social application Whistle. Although the initial income is limited, it provides possibilities for long-term development.

The core of the profit model lies in advertising revenue and token liquidity. BitRealms earns revenue through project advertising and customized content services, while "Reborn as a Big Boss in the Cryptocurrency Circle" relies on the cooperation between Audemars Piguet and Huobi Platform, and attracting traffic is its core purpose.

Overall, the current profit model of Web3 short dramas is relatively fragile, and it is necessary to improve its self-sustaining ability to maintain long-term operations. In the case of more restrictions on Web3, short dramas must either return to Web2 traffic or form a closed ecosystem with token appreciation as the core. The producers of both short dramas use short dramas as a starting point and are committed to ecological development, but challenges still exist.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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有关《侠盗猎车手6》游戏预告片泄露的责任人/人们的新细节正在浮出水面。该预告片于2023年12月在Twitter上发布,并带有“购买$BTC”的水印。 上周四,网络侦探ZachXBT分享了关于泄密者可能身份的新信息,称预告片是通过非法手段从YouTube上获取的。泄密者在计划发布的前一天通过Twitter分享了预告片,上面覆盖了比特币的标志。 “《侠盗猎车手6》预告片由一名自称Skenkir的威胁行为者泄露,”ZachXBT本周在Twitter上写道。“他购买了访问YouTube管理面板的权限,从而提前观看了未公开的视频。” ZachXBT还指出,Skenkir参与了40多起知名的SIM卡交换攻击,受害者包括以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin、音乐家Steve Aoki和知名加密货币批评者Peter Schiff。ZachXBT分享了Skenkir在预告片泄露前的网上互动截图。 去年12月,一个名为“Gta6trailerleak”的匿名Twitter账号分享了《侠盗猎车手6》的泄露预告片。游戏开发商Rockstar Games原计划在第二天发布备受期待的游戏首支预告片,但因被修改的低分辨率泄露,不得不提前发布。 预告片泄露后,据报道YouTube启动了内部调查,以查明泄露源是否来自该视频平台的后端。 “据我了解,由于员工访问后端内容,YouTube在过去18个月内已经两次调查员工违反合同协议的行为,” Insider Gaming的Tom Henderson写道。 如果属实,这将成为科技巨头一系列隐私和安全问题中的最新案例,此前曾有Google员工访问并公开泄露Nintendo YouTube账户上的私人视频。 游戏泄露并不罕见;事实上,最近索尼PlayStation的State of Play直播活动中宣布的游戏在此之前已经泄露。根据Dexerto的报告,有关通过后门访问YouTube账户的报道可以追溯到2013年。 目前,YouTube和Rockstar Games尚未立即回复Decrypt的置评请求。
 新加坡麦当劳推出「我的快乐之地」元宇宙   新加坡麦当劳与娱乐媒体科技公司Bandwagon合作,推出了名为「我的快乐之地 (My Happy Place)」的元宇宙。此项目旨在让用户探索虚拟世界、收集数字收藏品,并通过每周抽奖赢得麦当劳一年的免费食物。    「我的快乐之地」元宇宙的三大关键点   Bandwagon Labs创办人Clarence Chan在接受采访时指出,该元宇宙有三个主要特点:   1. 多人互动:玩家可以在虚拟世界中与其他玩家互动。   2. 创意平台:用户可以在元宇宙中发挥他们的创造力。   3. 丰富奖励:游戏内设有丰富的每日奖励和挑战机制,激发用户的参与热情。   Clarence还补充说,Web3技术增强了该平台的安全性、功能性及数字收藏品的实用性。整合了如MetaMask等钱包托管服务,使玩家能够安全地验证身份并参与需要特定代币的活动。    实质奖励与玩家互动   Clarence强调,元宇宙中缺乏实际奖励可能会让玩家失望。为解决这一问题,Bandwagon Labs设计了能让玩家在虚拟世界中与朋友互动,并赢取实质奖励,如麦当劳的薯条等,从而实现有效的粉丝参与。    项目运行与控制   据报道,麦当劳对该元宇宙拥有完全控制权。该项目将于6月6日至7月7日运行一个月,项目的成功将决定未来的部署或服务的延续。    参与方法   用户若想要参与「我的快乐之地」元宇宙,需要:   1. 下载麦当劳国际版App。   2. 在地区选单中选择新加坡,即可访问该平台。   3. 关注麦当劳的Instagram账号以追踪最新消息。    每周自拍任务   麦当劳稍早前宣布,用户可以通过每周自拍任务赢取免费食物:   1. 进入麦当劳App,在主页上查看「My Happy Place」。   2. 通过Instagram限时动态追踪每周自拍任务,完成挑战并截图发布到Instagram,标记@mcdsg以获得参赛资格(账户需设定为公开)。   3. 每周的得奖者将通过Instagram限时动态公布。   目前的奖励包括1美元的餐点和元宇宙内的数字收藏品等。虽然奖励需在新加坡兑换,但未来若计划顺利,可能扩展到更多国家与地区。用户可以关注官方公告了解更多详情。

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