According to Odaily, Péter Szilágyi, the team leader of the Ethereum Foundation, and Dankrad Feist, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation and the proposer of Danksharding, have engaged in a debate about Miner Extractable Value (MEV) and its related issues. Szilágyi expressed that MEV is an attack on Ethereum, but instead of combating it, Ethereum has chosen to share the benefits with enough people to keep the majority silent.

In addition, he stated that liquidity staking is an attack on Ethereum. Instead of resolving it, many cascading staking solutions have been promoted, allowing everyone to choose their own 'poison'. Szilágyi also pointed out that state growth is a problem, and Ethereum is developing stateless verification to satisfy those who 'stake their money'.

The discussion between Szilágyi and Feist highlights the ongoing challenges and debates within the Ethereum community. As Ethereum continues to evolve and adapt, these discussions are crucial in shaping the future of the platform and its underlying technology.