Binance Square
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Some of our friends react by saying that foreign exchanges will be banned regarding the cryptocurrency bill. Some people ask whether global stock markets will be banned. Friends, there is nothing banned that concerns you. Everything continues as before. All users will continue to trade as they wish on global stock exchanges. So, we continue all our transactions on Binance. This is legally free now. That's more beautiful. So what is prohibited in the offer? There is no ban, friends, there is a requirement to be subject to the CMB license. Situations such as foreign exchanges opening Turkish websites and these exchanges advertising in Turkey will be subject to the CMB license. So again, there is no ban, there is permission, there is licensing. This is a situation that must exist for the protection of citizens. Additionally, this is why Binance opened Binance TR years ago. Leveraged transactions have not been possible in Turkish for years. Since Binance was aware of the potential regulations that may come, and because it has the most licenses in the world and immediately complies with the regulations of that country in every country it enters, it took these actions years ago and implemented them as if there was a law, even when the legal status was not there. In summary; At Binance, all our transactions are legally free, that is, subject to our choice. As investors, we continue to use Binance Global and Binance Turkey in the same way as we have been using them until today, and it is now legal. I hope that has been revealing. Follow me so you don't miss any profitable information! @ibrahimcosar #İbrahimCOŞAR #FatihCOŞAR #KriptocuTrader #BİTCOŞAR

Some of our friends react by saying that foreign exchanges will be banned regarding the cryptocurrency bill. Some people ask whether global stock markets will be banned.

Friends, there is nothing banned that concerns you. Everything continues as before. All users will continue to trade as they wish on global stock exchanges.

So, we continue all our transactions on Binance. This is legally free now. That's more beautiful.

So what is prohibited in the offer?

There is no ban, friends, there is a requirement to be subject to the CMB license.

Situations such as foreign exchanges opening Turkish websites and these exchanges advertising in Turkey will be subject to the CMB license. So again, there is no ban, there is permission, there is licensing. This is a situation that must exist for the protection of citizens.

Additionally, this is why Binance opened Binance TR years ago. Leveraged transactions have not been possible in Turkish for years. Since Binance was aware of the potential regulations that may come, and because it has the most licenses in the world and immediately complies with the regulations of that country in every country it enters, it took these actions years ago and implemented them as if there was a law, even when the legal status was not there.

In summary; At Binance, all our transactions are legally free, that is, subject to our choice. As investors, we continue to use Binance Global and Binance Turkey in the same way as we have been using them until today, and it is now legal. I hope that has been revealing.

Follow me so you don't miss any profitable information! @İbrahim COŞAR (BİTCOŞAR)

#İbrahimCOŞAR #FatihCOŞAR #KriptocuTrader #BİTCOŞAR

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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Koskoca bir ülkenin cumhurbaşkanını öldürdüler. Bakın, bir subay veya herhangi bir kişi değil, en tepedeki adam öldürüldü. Hem de normal bir ölüm değil, normal bir ülke değil. Körfez savaşını başlatacak bir ülke. Normal şartlarda, organik olarak piyasanın çakılması gerekiyordu. Çakılır gibi yaptılar, 67’den 65’lere düştü ve çakılacak izlenimi verip daha çok kişiyi short yönlü olarak içeriye soktular. Ardından herkesin beklentisini tersine çevirdiler. Şaka gibi şöyle bir haberde piyasanın çökmemesi o kadar mantıksız ki, ama işte en son yaşanan bu olay; piyasayı haberlerin değil, asıl piyasa yapıcıların karar mevkilerinde olan manipülatörlerin yönettiğinin en büyük kanıtıdır. Ethereum ETF onayı ihtimalinin artması haberiyle resmen spekülasyon yaptılar. Şimdi perşembe günü SEC, Ethereum ETF onayını ertelerse veya reddederse işte asıl mevzu o zaman olacak. Ethereum (ETH) ETF onaylansa bile bu ihtimal zaten çok yüksek zaten piyasa çoktan bu ihtimali satın aldı, haberi aldı, beklentiyi aldı. Başka türlü piyasayı şuan zaten arttıramazlardı. Haberden sonra ise hala düzeltme beklentisi içerisindeyim. Bitcoin (BTC) ilk defa halving öncesi ATH yaptı. Ethereum ATH’a yaklaşıyor. ATH süreçleri kolay değildir. ATH yapmak beraberinde zorluklar getirir. Yüklü kâr satışları getirir. $BTC $ETH Ben bu tarz süreçlerde, özellikle kısa vadeli spekülasyon durumları hissetiğimde altcoin sepetim hariç, tepelerden hele ki ATH seviyesine yakın olan yerlerden kar satışlarımı yapıyorum. Son olarak bu ETF’lerin bu önümüzdeki mega boğa döngüsünde çok fazla etkisi olacağını düşünüyorum. Geçmiş boğa döngülerinden daha fazla kazançlı bir boğa sanırım bizleri bekliyor. Kazandıran bilgileri kaçırmamak için beni takip edin! @İbrahim COŞAR (BİTCOŞAR) #İbrahimCOŞAR #FatihCOŞAR #KriptocuTrader #BİTCOŞAR

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