Brothers, this is incredible. The CPI data for April has just been released. This set of data will have a very important impact on the subsequent market conditions. Let’s listen to Tangren’s story.

Last night's PPI data was not ideal, which really gave Tangren a cold sweat. The bearish market caused an instant sell-off. Fortunately, there were a large number of short orders above 62,000, which prevented the market from experiencing a large-scale correction in the end.

After that, Powell kept talking nonsense and still could not give a specific time for the interest rate cut. Although the PPI data once again lowered expectations, tonight's CPI data will be the watershed for the subsequent market.

Tangren has analyzed this with friends in the community before: If the CPI is higher than expected, haha, there is no need to guess, the market will definitely hit the wall, 60,000 points will be lost, a big drop will come, the market will plummet, the copycats will be bleeding, and the big cake will never recover.

If it is in line with expectations, then it is safe and the market will be peaceful. At most, there will be a spike in the market, first falling below 60,000 points and then returning to the right track, with the market slowly rising.

If it is lower than expected, brothers, don't doubt it, get your bullets ready and rush into the battlefield directly. The faster your hand speed is, the more pleasant the subsequent rewards will be.

Obviously, tonight's data is definitely positive. The market has been too sluggish recently, and prices have been moving down continuously. The market is difficult to endure, and such a positive data is really needed to boost market confidence and sentiment.

Looking at the market, apart from the meme series which has seen an increase, the copycat sector has been beaten to a pulp, with most of the copycats being pinned to the ground and prices constantly hitting new lows.

WLD is even more of a scumbag, it has fallen like a dead dog. Last week, many analysts called for bottom buying, but Tangren smiled and said nothing. Isn't this just treating fans as scapegoats and trying to trick them to death?

Although the current WLD price is considered low, Tangren recommends that you do not buy at the bottom. First, the market makers are selling heavily, second, there will be a large amount of selling pressure to be unlocked later, and third, the circulation volume is not high.

However, for those friends who really don't want to miss the opportunity, you must strictly control your positions when building a position. Once the good CPI data comes out, the market will definitely pick up. It is a good opportunity to gradually start building a position.

Why do many people nowadays prefer playing memes to other projects? The reason is simple: old coins are no longer hot topics, and new coins are new in concept, but they are hard to catch. As for those CV projects, the market makers are seriously controlling the market, so if you get on board, you will definitely be killed.

After all the fun, meme is still the best, because it is a traffic coin, has consensus and popularity, and focuses on the money-making effect. It is a probability, simple and clear with few routines. Retail investors can easily grab a hot mark and have the opportunity to make a 10-fold profit, which is simply too cool.

Like GME, which has been rising in the past two days, because the US stock GME of the same name was shorted by Wall Street, it triggered a war between institutions and retail investors. The US stock GME soared 10 times, which led to the rise of GME. The 24-hour on-chain transaction volume exceeded 100 million US dollars. Retail investors can keep up and make money.

Today, the meme series pepe also broke through the historical high, which made retail investors cheer. There are no more losing orders in the market. It is hard to say where the price will go next, but the meme series has fully demonstrated the consensus of retail investors.

From this we can see that in terms of operations, everyone must choose projects that have a money-making effect. Those projects that are always trying to promote the blockchain technology revolution and change the future should just be listened to. The dealers will only use the chips of leeks to unlock the villas and young models they want.

Tangren interprets the market

Big Pie: As soon as the CPI data came out, the market started a surge under the influence of market sentiment. The current price has reached 63,900. From a technical perspective, it has broken through the key midline position of the daily trend Bollinger band. The upper small pressure level is around 64,600. Although there is support from good news, it is necessary to observe whether the bullish sentiment in the subsequent market can be sustained and whether the key pressure level at 67,500 can be effectively broken through. If not, the volatile market cycle will continue in the short term.

Auntie: I won’t do too much analysis on the linkage pie today.

In terms of altcoins: meme leads the altcoin sector, and most of the top ten gainers are related to meme. At present, pepe and GME still have a wave of gains. Other altcoins are still in the adjustment stage. Without recognition of popularity and consensus, funds will slowly flow away. Whether the foundation can be built after today needs further observation. Once it stabilizes, Tangren will announce the time for building a position as soon as possible. You can wait patiently for now.

Tangren talks about strategy            

At present, we should not be dazzled by the short-term breakthrough. The implementation of each strategy requires multi-faceted data collection, analysis and deduction. The current strategy is to wait patiently. Tangren needs to further observe the real trading volume and capital movement of the market before finally giving a clear strategy.

Recently a fan asked: Can I get on board with AEVO? Tangren’s opinion is that you shouldn’t get on board. AEVO is unlocking shares at the moment. The nearly 800 million AEVO shares with a value of 700 million US dollars have been unlocking and releasing shares. If you buy in, you will be a sure-fire buyer.

If you want to know more about strategic layout and coin selection logic, you can: follow Tangren, leave your ideas in the comment area, and let us make money together in the cryptocurrency circle.

The essence of Tangren’s trading strategy: The first step is to determine the trading cycle, the second step is to confirm the trading direction, and the third step is to formulate a trading plan. The plan must clearly state: where to enter, why to enter, how much to enter, how to exit, where to exit, and why to exit?

What should you do if you get the market right? What should you do if you get it wrong? If you don’t understand the market, don’t give yourself problems.

Each of my plans includes three predetermined results: exit with a stop loss, exit with a breakeven, and exit with a profit. Regardless of the result, I will review and summarize the gains of this plan after the plan is completed.

#美国4月CPI数据回落 #GameStop带动Meme板块 #热门推荐 #大盘走势 #btc走勢