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I have always believed that the short-term volatility of US stocks or Bitcoin is the difference between expectations and facts, not the facts themselves. Bitcoin has adjusted by 23% and two months since March 14, and it is fully expected that the Fed will not cut interest rates so quickly in terms of time and space. So unless the CPI data tonight is so bad that it is unbearable to look at, it will be a bad data. Bitcoin may also be the last tremor, and the probability of turning upward is greater than the probability of continuing to smash the market. Let's see what the result of opening the blind box tonight is. If the US CPI data is really bad tonight and Bitcoin is smashed downward, it will be the best buying point for a long time in the future. If the CPI data is not bad, then now is the low point. To sum up, I have been bullish on Bitcoin since the beginning of last year. When Silicon Valley Bank exploded in March, I also shouted in articles and video analysis that the bull market would rebound quickly. In the callbacks in June and October and before the ETF was passed in January this year, I have been preaching for the Bitcoin bull market more clearly. Basically, I speak at the relatively low point of the callback every time, so let's see if I will guess right this time. $BTC #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #5月市场关键事件

I have always believed that the short-term volatility of US stocks or Bitcoin is the difference between expectations and facts, not the facts themselves. Bitcoin has adjusted by 23% and two months since March 14, and it is fully expected that the Fed will not cut interest rates so quickly in terms of time and space. So unless the CPI data tonight is so bad that it is unbearable to look at, it will be a bad data. Bitcoin may also be the last tremor, and the probability of turning upward is greater than the probability of continuing to smash the market. Let's see what the result of opening the blind box tonight is.

If the US CPI data is really bad tonight and Bitcoin is smashed downward, it will be the best buying point for a long time in the future. If the CPI data is not bad, then now is the low point. To sum up, I have been bullish on Bitcoin since the beginning of last year. When Silicon Valley Bank exploded in March, I also shouted in articles and video analysis that the bull market would rebound quickly. In the callbacks in June and October and before the ETF was passed in January this year, I have been preaching for the Bitcoin bull market more clearly. Basically, I speak at the relatively low point of the callback every time, so let's see if I will guess right this time. $BTC #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #5月市场关键事件

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师爷陈5.15:CPI公布前 交易策略及风险管理 #BTC走势分析 #比特币走势分析 #CPI数据 $BTC $ETH BTC4小时: 昨日比特币在61000美元的区间获得了短期的支撑,目前处于小级别的反弹趋势中。鉴于61000美元区间的支撑,在当前时点师爷将保持反弹观点,并看好下跌趋势突破后的回测。 由于今日有CPI指数发布,在发布的时间段BTC可能会有大幅的波动。如果在21:30之前有持仓,建议大家严格设置止盈和止损。 此次CPI发布的重要性在于如果通胀率下降,那么就有可能会带来降息的预期。如果CPI低于预期,多头可能就会卷土重来。 今日第一阻力位关注62200,第二阻力位在63000。当BTC价格突破第一阻力位时,师爷预计BTC有可能会回测到63000美元的区间。 在CPI发布前,比特币在下跌趋势线中波动。如果价格突破了下跌趋势线的阻力,那么师爷则会转为看涨的观点。 日内第一支撑在61460,第二支撑61000。首先第一支撑作为重要支撑线,若短期跌破此支撑线将会导致BTC价格跌破低点,而61000美元可能就会面临失守。 所以一旦价格跌破此支撑,那么对于持有多头的朋友而言就需要注意大幅下跌的风险。 请在交易时参考这些建议 5.15师爷短线预埋单: 做多入场位参考:61000-61400区间分批做多 防守500点 目标62000-62200 做空入场位参考:62900-63300区间分批做空 防守500点 目标62200-62000 本文内容由师爷陈(公众号:币神师爷陈)独家策划发布,如需了解更多实时投资策略、解套、现货合约交易手法、操作技巧以及K线等知识可以加到师爷陈学习交流,希望能帮助到你在币圈找到自己想要的。专注BTC、ETH及山寨币现货合约多年,没有100%的方法,只有100%的顺势而为;每日全网更新宏观面分析文章,主流币及山寨币技术指标分析及现货中长线复盘价格预测视频。 温馨提示:本文只有专栏公众号(上图)是师爷陈所写,文章末尾及评论区其他广.告均与笔者本人无关!!请大家谨慎辨别真假,感谢阅读。
师爷陈5.14:CPI公布前 箱体区间内灵活交易策略分享#BTC走势分析 #比特币走势分析 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 BTC1小时: 比特币在美国公布4月消费者物价指数(CPI)前经过比较可观的反弹后横盘整理,虽然一度涨到了到63000美元的关口,但是依旧未能企稳前高点的上方,目前处于调整阶段。 所以师爷认为只有再次突破昨日我在分析文章中提到的63300前高点,才可以期待进一步上涨。 目前在美国CPI发布前,市场主力大部分的时候都在处于观望状态,这也可能会形成箱体震荡的区间。 日内第一阻力在63300, 第二阻力位在64000。当价格突破第一阻力时吗,我们可以期待对64000的前高点进行重新测试。 因为师爷认为如果价格想要突破上方的阻力,前提就是需要观察上涨后的前低点是否能够守住。 日内第一支撑位62300,第二支撑61600。如果价格在守住第一支撑的情况下,那么我们可以尝试布局短期反弹策略。若跌破的话则下行压力就会大大增加,而开盘价就会下探至第二支撑61600附近。 在CPI发布前BTC可能会横盘整理,因此我对于短线来说可以采用箱体的交易策略。师爷建议不要长期持有头寸,而是在一定的获利区间内灵活应对。 对于今天的交易建议而言,师爷认为与其确定方向,不如就在箱体内灵活操作。因为预计横盘整理的概率较高。 通常在重要指数发布前,市场会横盘整理,等待发布后才会出现大动作的方向选择。 另外请注意避免在指数发布后因不利的消息面导致的恐慌性抛售和洗盘,并且务必设置止盈止损点! 请在交易时参考这些建议 5.14师爷短线预埋单: 做多入场位参考:61900-62200区间分批做多 防守500点 目标63000-63300 做空入场位参考:63000-63300区间分批做空 防守500点 目标62300-62000 本文内容由师爷陈(公众号:币神师爷陈)独家策划发布,如需了解更多实时投资策略、解套、现货合约交易手法、操作技巧以及K线等知识可以加到师爷陈学习交流,希望能帮助到你在币圈找到自己想要的。专注BTC、ETH及山寨币现货合约多年,没有100%的方法,只有100%的顺势而为;每日全网更新宏观面分析文章,主流币及山寨币技术指标分析及现货中长线复盘价格预测视频。 温馨提示:本文只有专栏公众号(上图)是师爷陈所写,文章末尾及评论区其他广.告均与笔者本人无关!!请大家谨慎辨别真假,感谢阅读。$BTC $ETH

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