The new law, which has been in effect since April, allows the UK police and the National Crime Agency to seize cryptocurrencies from people suspected of criminal activity in certain circumstances. This includes physical items related to cryptocurrencies. The law was implemented to combat fraud, drug dealing and other forms of illegal activity, and to prevent criminal proceeds by depriving criminals of the ability to use cryptocurrencies.
However, the move has also raised some concerns, especially regarding potential risks in terms of individual rights and abuse of power. Critics worry that such power could be abused, thereby infringing upon legitimate property rights and personal freedoms. In addition, detailed operational rules on how to destroy confiscated assets and how to share information when cryptocurrencies are transferred to other jurisdictions have not yet been clarified, which has also aroused public concern.
While the new legislation is intended to strengthen the ability to combat serious crime, it is also important to ensure that appropriate checks and balances are in place to prevent these powers from being misused. As this legislation is implemented, there will need to be ongoing monitoring of its actual effectiveness in preventing crime and its impact on citizens' rights. #英国 #加密货币执法 #加密货币市场