Binance Square
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The high point of the last bull market was $69,000, and the false breakthrough was around $73,000, which made retail investors mistakenly believe that the bull market had arrived and attracted followers to buy. The dealer took advantage of retail investors to follow suit and locked up a large number of investors who had just entered the cryptocurrency circle. After being locked up, it fell sharply, and then repeatedly grinded at the new bottom. In the second half of 2024, the bull market will suddenly start again. Today, Bitcoin took the lead in breaking through 63,000, and many copycats followed suit. At present, we can see that some funds have flowed out of ETFs. According to data, the overall net outflow is temporarily reported to be $83.6 million. This time, Bitcoin is unlikely to have an extreme cliff-cutting retracement. If it does, it will almost be giving money to Wall Street's spot ETFs. A single institution cannot smash the market very deeply, and the actions of multiple Wall Street institutions will not be very consistent. Institutions must buy on dips and fill the spot warehouse. Many will rush to buy, so it is difficult to smash it very low. With the funds of ETFs, the retracement after the halving this time should not be too extreme. #BTC走势分析 #BTC

The high point of the last bull market was $69,000, and the false breakthrough was around $73,000, which made retail investors mistakenly believe that the bull market had arrived and attracted followers to buy. The dealer took advantage of retail investors to follow suit and locked up a large number of investors who had just entered the cryptocurrency circle. After being locked up, it fell sharply, and then repeatedly grinded at the new bottom. In the second half of 2024, the bull market will suddenly start again.

Today, Bitcoin took the lead in breaking through 63,000, and many copycats followed suit. At present, we can see that some funds have flowed out of ETFs. According to data, the overall net outflow is temporarily reported to be $83.6 million. This time, Bitcoin is unlikely to have an extreme cliff-cutting retracement. If it does, it will almost be giving money to Wall Street's spot ETFs. A single institution cannot smash the market very deeply, and the actions of multiple Wall Street institutions will not be very consistent. Institutions must buy on dips and fill the spot warehouse. Many will rush to buy, so it is difficult to smash it very low. With the funds of ETFs, the retracement after the halving this time should not be too extreme.

#BTC走势分析 #BTC

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币圈巨头们,专注于培养越来越蠢的教徒,想尽一切办法,掏空你本金。 玩法从没变过,币圈文人创造一堆新名词,美其名曰赛道,再配上几个一下子难以理解的概念,让你沉迷。 资本机构再写一堆投研报告,媒体,KOL配合发鸡汤软文,在循循诱导跟前拉后推下,无数人被击垮。 客观看,散户要摆脱各类媒体、营销宣传、软广硬广以及社交过程中的观念绑架,成为一个特立独行的人,真的很难。 很多比三河大神处境稍微好点的底层年轻人,没正经工作,大城市飘着,一年赚不了几个钱,还有钱就拿去买山寨土狗。逢热点必追,这其实挺傻的,把这钱省下来,熊市至少能买半个比特币了吧? 沉迷于土狗,合约等巨头们设计好的猎杀游戏°,进来干嘛呢? 这个时代,保住本钱很重要。 年轻人,时间就是你本钱,不要荒度。 中年人,经验就是你本钱,不要浪费。 币圈人,法币就是你本钱,不要豪赌。 年纪轻轻,沉溺于酒吧,网络,等回过头来看,发现自己已经30好几,经验,财富,能力,技能都没积累,剩下一堆负债跟抱痛苦吧,难受吧,没用,上天从不怜悯可怜人。 刚入币圈,就想着一夜暴富,投机成功,醒醒吧,币圈没有傻X,你也不是天选之子°,保住法币,定投主流°,一分钱别赌。勿以恶小而为之,赌这玩意,一旦开始,很难截至。 借此,顺便回答下,现在屯币°还来得及吗? 来得及,只要有本钱,你永远有机会,怕的是你本钱被骗光。 #新币挖矿 #热门话题
当你一个月挣30万你就会发现 1、停止打工,哪怕三年没收入,打工只能糊口,不能致富。 2、你月薪5千,他月薪5万,你跟他不是一路人°,成不了朋友。 3、打工就是打工,不要用力过猛。 4、打工只能解决温饱问题,百八十块一天,没必要那么拼,打工而已,又不是卖 5、一个月挣三千块钱,你怎么节约也只有三千。一个月挣两万块钱,你花掉一万还有一万。一个月挣30万,你花掉一万还有29万 6、一定要把心思花在怎么赚钱,怎么开心,怎么投资上面。与其降低你的开支,不如试着增加你的收入。 7、勤劳根本不能致富,认知、资源、选择比努力更重要。 8、绝大多数的财富都是因为碰到了某个机遇,用一年赚到了别人一辈子,或者几辈子都赚不到的钱。 9、富在术数,不在劳身,利在局势,不在力耕。所以,你要抬头看路,而非只是低头干活。 10、当你一天能赚到两三万后,你就会发现:通过勤劳根本致不了富,只能解决当下温饱问题 11、世界上的好东西都是抢来的,只有弱者才等分配。 12、不要羡慕别人比你成熟,因为他遇到的坏人比你多。 13、整天工作的人是发不了财的,财富是对认知的补偿,而不是对勤奋的奖赏。 14、要是将一头蠢笨的猪夸奖一番,它也是可以爬上树去的。 15、我就是我最大的资本,我唯一的信念就是相信自己 16、用体力赚钱,就老实点,用脑力赚钱,就机灵点,用钱赚钱,就狠一点,用资源赚钱,就圆滑点,用人赚钱,就豁达点。 17、努力赚钱不是因为爱钱,而是星辰大海需要门票,诗和远方路费很贵。 18、钱,能治愈一切矫情更能治愈一切 商业思维|认知能力|自我提升|创业项目 #热门话题 #BTC #ETH

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