According to Foresight News, Particle Network's modular public chain testnet Phase 1 has exceeded 600,000 Universal Accounts seven days after its launch. In this phase, the Universal Account of Particle Network, based on a high-performance EVM execution environment, has connected Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, and BTC L2s among other L1 and L2. Users can carry out transactions across all chains without directly holding native tokens from other chains. As of now, users have completed over 13 million atomic transactions on Particle L1.

In addition, the testnet upgrade activated at block height 439944 by Particle Network has been completed. This upgrade is for the upcoming testnet Phase 2, which will include Universal Liquidity. Once this phase is launched, users and developers will be able to seamlessly integrate assets across all chains based on the Universal Account on Particle Network, achieving seamless abstraction of purchasing power distributed across multiple chains.