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The current currency circle is becoming more and more impetuous. Many traders hold the idea of ​​speculating on new things instead of old ones, and always chase some newly launched currencies or new concept project tokens, which leads to many people being trapped. New currencies that have just been launched will experience a hot speculation period. The purpose of the main force to pull up during this period is to make people chase the rise, because institutions and investors need capital to flow back. Therefore, in the process of just listing on the exchange, they will sell some of the original tokens to recover the early investment costs, and at this time, they need to use the media to release various good news to attract retail investors and speculators to enter the market to take over. You can go and see that most of the newly launched new currencies have similar trends. They rise after listing, and then start to fluctuate and pull back. The weak currencies have a large pullback, and the strong ones have a small pullback. Some currencies will continue to rise after the pullback, and some currencies will be unable to recover. This depends entirely on the value of the currency itself. So not all new concepts and new currencies are opportunities, most of them are pits. At the end of last year, my articles have been reminding people of the risks of the inscription section, but they have been questioned by many people. Now looking back at the inscription section, it is a mess, how many people are trapped, and how many times they were originally confident that they would make money in this bull market. Now they only want to get their money back in the bull market. However, the reality is cruel. Once you chase the rise and get trapped at a high position, it is a luxury to get your money back. Speculation on new things, not old things, this sentence originally means a positive investment direction. The WEB3.0 industry is still in an era of chaos, and various underlying applications are constantly being replaced. What we should focus on should be the real applications that are beneficial to the future development of the entire industry, such as: second-layer network, social networking, etc. And we have to distinguish between true and false, which is impossible for individuals to do. Only professional teams can complete it. The partners of Qiqi Fan Skirt are very happy. They don’t have to worry about fundamental research because Qiqi has a professional research team. When a new currency appears, it is not only necessary to study whether the currency is truly valuable, but also to wait for the opportunity, distinguish between the hot speculation period and the value return period. The valuable ones will usher in the value return after the hot speculation period, and the worthless ones will sink into the sea. So no matter what, the newly launched coins are very risky. I never touch such coins because they do not conform to Qiqi's trading system. If you walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet. If you get results on a new coin by chance, you will think that making money is easy. If you look at the timeline, you will eventually be beaten back to square one. I am Qiqi. If you want to seize this bull market with me, click on the avatar to find me. I have a group of like-minded partners. I will buy the bottom of the cottage every day, high-quality coins, market trends, latest information, etc. #ETH #etc减产 $BTC

The current currency circle is becoming more and more impetuous. Many traders hold the idea of ​​speculating on new things instead of old ones, and always chase some newly launched currencies or new concept project tokens, which leads to many people being trapped.

New currencies that have just been launched will experience a hot speculation period. The purpose of the main force to pull up during this period is to make people chase the rise, because institutions and investors need capital to flow back.

Therefore, in the process of just listing on the exchange, they will sell some of the original tokens to recover the early investment costs, and at this time, they need to use the media to release various good news to attract retail investors and speculators to enter the market to take over.

You can go and see that most of the newly launched new currencies have similar trends. They rise after listing, and then start to fluctuate and pull back. The weak currencies have a large pullback, and the strong ones have a small pullback. Some currencies will continue to rise after the pullback, and some currencies will be unable to recover. This depends entirely on the value of the currency itself.

So not all new concepts and new currencies are opportunities, most of them are pits. At the end of last year, my articles have been reminding people of the risks of the inscription section, but they have been questioned by many people. Now looking back at the inscription section, it is a mess, how many people are trapped, and how many times they were originally confident that they would make money in this bull market. Now they only want to get their money back in the bull market. However, the reality is cruel. Once you chase the rise and get trapped at a high position, it is a luxury to get your money back.

Speculation on new things, not old things, this sentence originally means a positive investment direction. The WEB3.0 industry is still in an era of chaos, and various underlying applications are constantly being replaced. What we should focus on should be the real applications that are beneficial to the future development of the entire industry, such as: second-layer network, social networking, etc.

And we have to distinguish between true and false, which is impossible for individuals to do. Only professional teams can complete it. The partners of Qiqi Fan Skirt are very happy. They don’t have to worry about fundamental research because Qiqi has a professional research team.

When a new currency appears, it is not only necessary to study whether the currency is truly valuable, but also to wait for the opportunity, distinguish between the hot speculation period and the value return period. The valuable ones will usher in the value return after the hot speculation period, and the worthless ones will sink into the sea.

So no matter what, the newly launched coins are very risky. I never touch such coins because they do not conform to Qiqi's trading system.

If you walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet. If you get results on a new coin by chance, you will think that making money is easy. If you look at the timeline, you will eventually be beaten back to square one.

I am Qiqi. If you want to seize this bull market with me, click on the avatar to find me. I have a group of like-minded partners. I will buy the bottom of the cottage every day, high-quality coins, market trends, latest information, etc. #ETH #etc减产 $BTC

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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这几天meme热又开始了,pepe。People带头冲,不少小伙伴都开始吐槽,什么价值都没有的东西偏偏成了大家心中的神,甚至出现了一些说大饼算什么,meme才是真正的王者之类的言论。 但是大家别忘了,区块链本身就是去中心化的存在,本身就是为了调侃现有生活而诞生的,所以meme厉害也没什么毛病,毕竟大家来这个圈纸本身就是为了赚米的,哪个效应强,人们就去哪个,因此在很久之前也跟大家说了meme已经是主流了。 接下来跟大家讲为什么meme能够崛起,meme板块它最强的一点,大家知道是什么吗? 是全流通,全流通是整个山寨中最强的,因为它没有大量的解锁。我们现在所关注的主流基本上后期还要大量的解锁,而meme的话就是没有解锁,直接一次性给解完。 有的虽然不是一次解完,但是前期可以给解到90%。那说到这里不得不提一下wld,wld作为人工智能板块的龙头,目前的解锁是2%,也就是说wld后面还有98%没有解锁,那你说它后面上的概率大还是下的概率大,对吧? 但是像meme这种它基本上是前期解锁至少在90%多,有的甚至前期直接100%,那这样的话不管你是什么大家都一块去玩,你说前期买的多谁敢买谁敢拿谁就能收获多,就很公平了,当然也有所谓的项目方,他们是老鼠仓,但是人家至少把这个态度拿出来了,所以他是这一种很强的一个逻辑。 Meme板块它现在也是有很多的问题,但是目前他也有去做一些生态上的建设,以前meme板块是先预热,然后去给你一个白皮书,我们这个白皮书很强,我们什么时候发出,然后你们赶紧来抢购。那现在meme板块是怎么玩的,现在是先发售,先上车,上车了之后,启动了之后,如果说后边长得很强,出圈了,出圈了之后,我们再去考虑生态建设的问题,再去想白皮书怎么搞,他把两个给它倒过来了。 我们所关注的任何的一个项目,比如ARB,然后OP、等等。这些都是先有白皮书,先有一个长期的目标逻辑,然后再去上线,对不对?然后这个meme板块它就把它给反过来了。所以的话大家会觉得meme板块他没有那么多黑幕,这一点确实,所以就是大家现在愿意去玩meme,这是一个很本质的原因。 Pepe最近为什么能够破新高,首先是在社交媒体上有越来越多的网红在推pepe,引发大量的关注和讨论,其次当下用户的tz习惯或者说偏好更倾向于双高,这也和pepe的meme属性刚好吻合,最后连续的上行带动fomo情绪,吸引更多人来追高,再加上巨鲸不断增持和近日roaring Kitty的回归,直接导致一举破前高,站上历史顶峰。 作为一名在币圈历经多年的投资者,我非常乐意与你分享我的投资经验和见解,如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知从何入手,点点头像找到我,面对粉丝无偿分享,每天抄底山寨,优质币种,最新资讯,大盘走势...#meme币 #meme板块 $PEPE
行情止跌后小级别回调了一下。 回调一下,其实目的很明显,让那些因为前几天下跌然后割肉离场的,还充满着大跌的幻想。 如果前天涨了之后行情直接上冲,傻子都知道追进去。 那这样反反复复,才会给人造成假象,认为行情涨不上去,怀疑上涨只是诱多,然后继续观望,最终在大家没有任何防备的时候打个措手不及。 大饼我是在5月1日提醒行情止跌,现在走了半个多月了,已经涨上来了。 但是我还清晰的记得前段时间回调的时候,有些人像苍蝇一样嗡嗡嗡的,来跟我说行情要大跌了,我分析是错的,大饼要跌到50000,40000。 真的很无语,很多人分析行情是怎么分析的?看到行情涨了就说要继续涨,看到行情跌了几天就说行情要继续跌,这样分析有意义吗? 这样只会被行情牵着鼻子走,行情分析的目的是为了追踪趋势,提前判断走势然后找到进场出场时机。 如果看到涨了就觉得厉害,认为还会涨,那就和3月份的时候很多人一样,追进去,哦豁,被套到现在。但是当你看懂了行情,知道3月份上涨开始衰弱了,就能提前规避风险。 就像图中大饼的日线走势,一波下跌比一波弱,破新低的幅度越来越小,阴线的下影线越来越长,并且最后放量下跌,很明显就是说明空头衰弱了。 由上涨回撤水平超过百分之百,转变成了下跌回撤水平超过百分之百,这是属于多头增强的信号。 行情早就已经给出了答案,告诉了我们空头衰弱,多头增强,但是却在每一次回调的时候就有人担心大跌,所以分析行情的方法不对,那么结果就是错的。 4月中旬到现在,这一个月的时间,每篇文章都在分析多空强弱,随着时间的推移,空头一直在衰弱,多头一直在增强,文章里一直都在追踪行情。 但是没有学过的交易系统,就不懂我所讲的,一旦不相信技术,不相信规律,那么我说再多都是没用的,行情一回调就认为我是错的,但是我自己却很清楚我所看到的。 大饼现在高点和低点在抬高,已经属于上涨趋势了,并且也突破了下跌趋势线,这样的情况很多设裙还在让他们的会员等待大跌,我只能说“厉害”。 虽然大饼恢复了上涨趋势,不一定会立马大幅上涨,或许会震荡震荡,慢慢蓄力,但是趋势确定了,这一点就够了,趋势是做投资最重要的东西。 趋势确定了,才能够制定策略,执行策略。 确定趋势只是第一步,下一步就是筛选币种,接下来的热点在哪里,哪些板块的币种会爆发启动,筛选出币种后就要进行最后一步,每个币走势都不一样,有走得好的,走得差的。 在七七设裙不需要担心这些,因为我们掌握的交易系统能够看懂盘面,追踪趋势,同时我们还有专业的研究部,早就筛选出了价值潜力币种进行了布局。 作为一名在币圈历经多年的投资者,我非常乐意与你分享我的投资经验和见解,如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知从何入手,点点头像找到我,面对粉丝无偿分享 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
2024年已经快要过半了,整个币圈走势也是起起伏伏,在希望中经历绝望,又在绝望中迎来希望 对于大部分人来说格外焦虑,这也是金融市场的常态,每个人都是需要经历的,没法避免 所以不要太在意当下的得失,因为行情一直在持续,胜、负还未揭晓,当然对于一些爆仓的人来说,那就提前出局了 因为你不在圈内,币圈的这场金融游戏,于你而言已经毫无没有关系 所以任何时候都要确保自己活着,否则再好的机会都无法改变你的命运 不管是合约还是现货,其实赚钱的核心都在于趋势,到底是向上,还是向下,只有买对了方向,才有利润 已经走出来的行情,只能成为历史,和我们有关系的只有还未发生的走势,所以当下的焦点只有一个:后续行情会去到哪个方向 向上,自然是坚定持有现货,或者做多,才能获利;向下,自然是减仓现货,合约做空 但是这里面也需要注意一点:那就是周期,大趋势和小趋势是有本质区别的 大趋势带来的是几十倍的回报,小趋势则是十几个点的回报 所以,无论你选择现货还是合约,都要在明确这点的前提之下再做抉择,否则你就是在赌博而已,涨了追进去,跌了割肉离场,整天惶恐不安,身心俱疲 小周期在技术领域来说一点都不难,只需要你学习一点裸K技术,抓个十几个点的行情,基本上是闭着眼睛 做小周期的短线只需要满足三个条件基本上保证盈利是不难的 其一、能找到支撑、压力位置 其二、足够的耐心,等待自己看得懂的行情 其三、有充足的时间盯盘,严格执行止盈止损 对于想做短线的小伙伴来说,只需要掌握一个小技巧,你扭亏为盈就很简单 只要你坚持练习,短线就是流水作业,机会到来按照步骤执行就好了 我是七七,如果你想和我一起把握这波牛市,点点头像找到我,每天会抄底山寨,优质币种,大盘走势,最新资讯等 #BTC走势分析 $ETH
相信是一种能力,相信相信的力量。 成功的路上永远不会是一帆风顺,总是坎坎坷坷,看现在的华为我们就很清楚了。 币圈做投资亦是如此,没有谁的成功是简单、轻松、一蹴而就的。 天天跟你说币圈赚钱就跟呼吸一样简单、币圈暴富能够发生在你我身上一样,这种人要么自己没有拿到结果、要么就是别有居心,我们千万不能被贪欲蒙蔽了双眼。 就如曾经有人问高僧:佛较说人有轮回和因果,怎么样才能让人相信呢? 高僧问道:今天能够看见明天的太阳吗? 答:看不到。 高僧又问:那你相信明天会有太阳吗? 答:我明白了,人生总是先相信、后看见。 那么你是先相信后看见,还是先看见后相信呢? 引领者:先相信、后看见; 追随者:先看见、后相信; 失败者:看见了都不相信。 在币圈做交易何尝又不是呢? 你不相信经济周期的规律?你不相信币圈会有牛熊?你不相信现在是牛市?你不相信做交易需要专业性?你不相信认知是决定能否拿到结果的先天条件等等! 能够进入币圈的,我相信都是聪明人,但金融市场从来不缺乏聪明人。 聪明人的优点非常多,这里我就不详细说了,就说一个缺点吧:那就是多疑。 聪明人的眼光和对事物判断、觉察力、发现商机的能力会比普通人要强很多。 但由于聪明,所以在很多事的时候都会自带分辨、判断力。 在对自身有利的时候,那绝对是百分百相信,但凡看见一点对自身不好的苗头之后,就选择间歇性相信。 聪明人做事不会傻乎乎的去坚持、就如龟兔赛跑里面的兔子、捡了芝麻丢了西瓜的猴子一样。 就拿币圈来说吧,我相信有不少人都有跟单交易的经历: 对一次相信,对两次继续相信,对五次了,第六次跟你说风险来了,牛市快见顶要逃顶了,你的疑心就出来了,万一这次你错误了咋办?那我岂不是少赚很多。 还有今天相信这个社裙,明天相信那个社裙的、对一两次就开始崇拜不已,中间错误了,就开始怀疑等等。 却很少真正把焦点放到自身认知和能力的成长上面去,人家带单的难道生下来就会交易技术、策略吗? 币圈不是做一次交易就结束了,这个行业可以当成余生事业去做的,只要我们有能力,是不会受时间、地点、年龄、环境影响的。 难道真的不值得你花心思、用心、持续学习去掌握这个能力吗? 你相信就一定能拿到结果,假如你都不相信,谈何结果呢? 作为一名在币圈历经多年的投资者,我非常乐意与你分享我的投资经验和见解,如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知从何入手,点点头像找到我,面对粉丝无偿分享 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
币圈涨幅榜前 10 的币种中,起码有 6 个属于 meme 板块。尤其是 pepe 一骑绝尘,连续刷新高,刚刚价格回撤,就被 PEOPLE 暂时超越,FLOKI 和 BOME 也在后方紧追不舍。这到底是怎么回事呢? 导致 meme 普遍上涨的原因主要是市场型的反资本运动;也就是说,VC 机构的价值币与 meme 山寨土狗币之间的矛盾急剧恶化。为什么这么说呢? 本次比特币 etf 利好后,市场情绪一路高歌猛进,整个 1-3 月份基本上就是壮牛耕地,绝不后退,一路高歌,节节攀登。总市值已经超过了 21 年的大牛市,币种不断增多,币价自然很难上涨。由于总池子的容量有限,不断有新的项目方进场,还有很多所谓的优质币不断解锁砸盘,比如以太坊 L2 层的 ARB,新公链的 SUI,APT。号称 AI 龙头级项目的 WLD,再质押新秀 ENA 等等。 但凡进场抄底的,抄完一波还有底,铁底仿佛在天花板上。按照以往牛市的市场逻辑,优质的价值币基本跌个 50%就可以抄底了,反弹速度也非常快,但这波牛市很多价值币腰斩之后再腰斩,即使没有再次腰斩的也基本上是阴跌不断。市场被无情的 VC 资本和项目方反复收割。 在这种反复蹂躏、来回摩擦的情况下,散户很难团结起来。这时,一个类似于漫威英雄般的人物突然发声,让无数散户看到了黑暗中的光亮,瞬间燃起了斗争的希望。这个人确实非常厉害。不知道大家是否还记得游戏驿站的股票事件? 他就是那个主人公。21 年,这个男人号召美股散户买入 gme 这只空气股,与华尔街机构公然宣战并做空。结果,gme 被散户们爆买了 100 多倍,干翻了华尔街,引发了 meme 狂潮,这也是散户对抗机构的一次史诗级胜利!这个男人凭借 5wu 最后爆赚 5000wu,一战封神!然后他就退隐了。 时隔三年,那个男人又宣布回归,gme 立刻暴动了!这次的 Meme 币,是社会学意义上的货币化变革 Meme 币,本质上是人类第一次实现对政治运动的定价与货币化,是统一一场运动中人群共同利益的最短路径。 你可以清楚地知道它的流通量和估值。纯 meme 基本都是全流通的,而 VC 的价值币需要通过很大的叙事、技术、团队、市场领袖等方式,分持代币并设置锁仓机制。从这个逻辑上讲,目前的价值币并没有走出价值的道路。 Meme 本身不仅仅是经济金融的产物,更是一场社会运动。那么,你该如何为一场社会运动定价呢?Meme 币,有人希望用传播学上的“迷因”来解释,但“迷因”更多的只是一个传播媒介。而一个伟大的 Meme 币,必须要导致某种结果和目的,让一个群体因一种利益参与,表达共同诉求。 就像当年的PEPE 或SHIB 一样,它们本身的迷因并不带有诉求,但它们在链上公平发射,让所有人(包括之前被庄家或 VC 抢跑割怕的受压迫人群)都能参与,并通过 K 线直播拉盘(共同利益赚钱),让所有人都参与到盯盘 PVP 这件事情中,最终冲上币安(共同诉求)。 即使 meme 最后会归零,但过程一定要足够精彩,所有人都非常清楚,对于 meme 就应该敢爱敢恨!该爱的时候爱到歇斯底里,分手也绝对不拖泥带水,这将让这个牛市的 meme 持续走出一段奇迹! 作为一名在币圈历经多年的投资者,我非常乐意与你分享我的投资经验和见解,如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知从何入手,点点头像找到我,面对粉丝无偿分享#meme板块 #FLOKIUSDT #gme $ENA $BOME

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