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The Federal Reserve's May interest rate meeting ended. This meeting conveyed three important messages, which made people worry about the global economic outlook. 1 The Federal Reserve made it clear that it would not raise interest rates again, which is undoubtedly good news for the US financial market, which has been under pressure from high interest rates. However, this also means that the Federal Reserve has realized the negative impact of interest rate hikes on the economy and has to make compromises. 2 The Federal Reserve announced that it would reduce the scale of selling treasury bonds from June, from $60 billion to $25 billion. This move is aimed at easing tensions in the global market and avoiding a market crash caused by a large-scale sale of treasury bonds. However, this also exposed the helplessness and dilemma of the Federal Reserve in dealing with the global financial crisis. 3 The Federal Reserve also warned not to try to predict when they would cut interest rates because they themselves did not know. This statement is even more disturbing because the Federal Reserve, as one of the important central banks in the global economy, cannot be ignored in its policy changes on the global financial market. The Federal Reserve seems to be betting that it can harvest enough global assets before the US financial industry is destroyed by high interest rates. These three important messages from the Federal Reserve have undoubtedly brought more uncertainty to the global economy. We expect the Federal Reserve to stabilize the market as soon as possible and maintain the stable development of the global economy. #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件

The Federal Reserve's May interest rate meeting ended. This meeting conveyed three important messages, which made people worry about the global economic outlook.


The Federal Reserve made it clear that it would not raise interest rates again, which is undoubtedly good news for the US financial market, which has been under pressure from high interest rates. However, this also means that the Federal Reserve has realized the negative impact of interest rate hikes on the economy and has to make compromises.


The Federal Reserve announced that it would reduce the scale of selling treasury bonds from June, from $60 billion to $25 billion. This move is aimed at easing tensions in the global market and avoiding a market crash caused by a large-scale sale of treasury bonds. However, this also exposed the helplessness and dilemma of the Federal Reserve in dealing with the global financial crisis.


The Federal Reserve also warned not to try to predict when they would cut interest rates because they themselves did not know. This statement is even more disturbing because the Federal Reserve, as one of the important central banks in the global economy, cannot be ignored in its policy changes on the global financial market. The Federal Reserve seems to be betting that it can harvest enough global assets before the US financial industry is destroyed by high interest rates.

These three important messages from the Federal Reserve have undoubtedly brought more uncertainty to the global economy. We expect the Federal Reserve to stabilize the market as soon as possible and maintain the stable development of the global economy.



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VC OTC把币卖出去其实对项目方和其他参与者是好事。 很多项目VC是有低价成本的筹码,也伴随着长时间的锁定期。很多人认为VC把筹码卖了是坏事,他们套现跑了项目咋办。 从筹码博弈的角度来说,OTC卖掉意味着整体早期筹码的持有成本拉高了,卖掉的币解锁期一样没变,到了解锁期如果价格不好接盘的人更不愿意卖掉高价的筹码,反而对于其他的博弈参与方是好事。换手越频繁持有成本就越高。 从VC投后的角度来说,对于上线后的项目指望VC帮忙拉盘是不太可能的,毕竟大家都要对LP负责,最多提供对市场的理解和以往的经验供项目方参考。另外一点很有趣的是现在待解锁份额的价格都不高,3折是常态,如果真做出了卖Saft的决定,然后币价如果涨起来了会比大家更难受,甚至会被LP问责。这里和21年不一样,那时候的项目因为上什么所都有量+定价缺失导致只要投到能上所的就能卖Saft赚钱,现在有交易量能OTC卖掉的就那么几个,价格都经过充分博弈。从投后的角度上来说很难操作的。 大家都默认牛市结束项目的价格会暴跌,也是就说认为大部分的新项目在现有的估值体系下是不合理的,但牛市还在继续,解锁期没到的时候决定币价的是大家对交易所IEO的预期(开盘)+项目方做的事情的价值+做市商对市场的判断,和VC真的没啥关系。我曾经也认为10B的Tia太贵,甚至江湖传言Tia的早期投资人上线前就2B把所有的SAFT卖出,但最后还是到了20B。大部分项目跌起来涨起来真的和VC没啥关系~ #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC突破7万大关 #山寨币热点
以太坊接棒比特币 一切在剧本之内 金融,本质上就是共识的建立和坍塌。 在这一轮又一轮的博弈中,一方利用人性的各种弱点,在K线中,完成财富的转移。 比特币的圈子更野蛮,更本质,收割速度更快。 当然,你是天选之子,在这里,上升阶层的机会也远比外面多。 个人观点,复盘下以太系狗庄操作的逻辑: 1、首先借出以太并通过交易所砸盘,链上可以非常明显的看出来。 2、持续打压ETH/BTC汇率导致做多汇率的大户清算或降低持仓,同时引发小散户恐慌抛售以太,汇率进一步被打压。 3、配合以太坊ETF将被拒的FUD持续打压汇率,并在低价吸收以太。 4、5月23日附近汇率最低点之前吸收足够筹码。 5、5月23日附近无论ETF被延迟或者通过都可以开始唱多以太及其小弟。 6、韭菜们惊闻山寨季回归,然后只是自己的以太没了。 最有趣的是,很多人被这一轮以太的打压,转而觉得以太坊就是个垃圾,没前途,不能碰。 说回大环境,昨天伊狼那边已经黑天鹅了,叠加很有可能双加息,个人觉得如此乱和不好的基本面,会导致如果有牛或者山寨季的话,会走的异常暴力快速,狗庄需要快速的时间把筹码分发完,不然基本面的大利空黑天鹅会导致过程不可控。让子弹飞一会,我们拭目以待。 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC突破7万大关 #ETH
复盘一下这波大涨现在什么情况 直接原因: 美国SEC对 5月23号 #以太坊ETF 的态度出现超预期利好 周一要求一家 #以太坊ETF 的发行人更新其19b-4 备案文件,市场对5月23号是否获批以太坊现货ETF从非常悲观迅速转向为非常乐观, 根本原因: 2024年11月4号美国大选,拜登竞选压力很大 在前段时间川普率先出招宣布加密货币友好之后,川普的胜率从领先拜登10个点快速上升到了13个点。 所以底层逻辑是在这种竞争压力下,拜登政府可能在寻求和川普争取加密行业的支持(包括选票和竞选资金) (见图里川普和拜登获胜的最新赔率,粗略计算川普领先拜登13%) 后续展望: 1. 两位2024年11月4号大选的有力竞争者在竞选压力下,对加密货币的态度可能会逐步卷起来,看谁能对这个行业在合理的范围内做到最大友好,来争取币圈人的钱和选票 后续观察点: 看最近几天S-1文件的进展以及最终美国时间周三对于现货ETF的批准结果。 如果通过,那美元流动性对以太坊渗透率会在这条通道下快速提升,之前预期的Q2不会有大行情的判断会被这件超预期的宏观利好打破 如果不通过,那这波怎么涨上来的估计就会怎么跌回去 所以综合分析,我觉得现在不操作是最好的操作,不然就是纯赌博 结语: 币圈兄弟们有点熬出头的意思了,之前两党从来都不会把币圈人当回事,尤其是FTX在2022年破产之后 但现在峰回路转,两党为了选举居然竞相讨好币圈人 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #ETH

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