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Cryptoanalyst PlanB determined the price of Bitcoin for 2024-2032. As bulls and bears battle for dominance in the cryptocurrency sector, especially the Bitcoin (BTC) market, renowned cryptanalyst PlanB shares his price forecasts. The average price of Bitcoin during the 2020-2024 halving cycle was $34,000, which is slightly lower than the forecast for 2019 of $55,000, wrote PlanB. Bitcoin price forecast for 2024–2032 With this in mind, the expert updated the S2F model with new data and determined the average price of Bitcoin for the halving cycle in 2024–2028 at not $500,000. As for the next cycle 2028-2032, then, In his opinion, the main cryptocurrency will reach a price of $4 million. PlanB recently predicted that in the second half of 2024 Bitcoin will rise to $100,000, especially considering the April close just above $60,000 (an increase of 36% from the beginning year). At the same time, the professional crypto trader agrees that the market peak may come in 2025, when Bitcoin tries to exceed the price of $200,000. Meanwhile, on the night of May 8 on the main cryptocurrency dropped to $61,500, showing a daily decline of 2.3%. It's hard to deny that the price of Bitcoin is currently in a downward trend. #BTC #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #BlackRock $BTC

Cryptoanalyst PlanB determined the price of Bitcoin for 2024-2032.

As bulls and bears battle for dominance in the cryptocurrency sector, especially the Bitcoin (BTC) market, renowned cryptanalyst PlanB shares his price forecasts. The average price of Bitcoin during the 2020-2024 halving cycle was $34,000, which is slightly lower than the forecast for 2019 of $55,000, wrote PlanB. Bitcoin price forecast for 2024–2032 With this in mind, the expert updated the S2F model with new data and determined the average price of Bitcoin for the halving cycle in 2024–2028 at not $500,000. As for the next cycle 2028-2032, then, In his opinion, the main cryptocurrency will reach a price of $4 million.

PlanB recently predicted that in the second half of 2024 Bitcoin will rise to $100,000, especially considering the April close just above $60,000 (an increase of 36% from the beginning year). At the same time, the professional crypto trader agrees that the market peak may come in 2025, when Bitcoin tries to exceed the price of $200,000. Meanwhile, on the night of May 8 on the main cryptocurrency dropped to $61,500, showing a daily decline of 2.3%. It's hard to deny that the price of Bitcoin is currently in a downward trend.

#BTC #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #BlackRock


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