Musk once said: The first step to awakening is to first understand the cards in your hand, recognize your own stage, be aware of your family background and personal qualifications, and understand the boundaries of your abilities and desires.

Get rid of those unrealistic fantasies, plan every step of your current life down to earth, think about how to grow upward, and leverage any resources that can be used on yourself. In your 20s, if you make the wrong choices and stubbornly go into the dead end, fall into it again and again, and don't learn from your mistakes, don't know how to reflect and plan for growth, and refuse any tentacles of growth, then after you turn 30, your life will definitely go downhill.

Because after the age of 30, you have neither the original material accumulation nor the spirit, and you start to complain about your original family, pressure and everything, and habitually look at things with a victim's mentality.

Just like the NPC in the game, every time a keyword is triggered, you perform the same action. Finally, under the influence of these factors, your marriage and life begin to become a mess.

1 Only cognitive awakening can lead to rebirth:

It is so difficult for the poor to turn their lives around. There are five huge mountains pressing down on them, each one more terrifying than the last.

The first big mountain is parents.

In addition to gene mutations, your children are likely to inherit two sets of genes from you. One set is biological genes, and your children will look like you, and the other set is social genes. Your behavior and way of thinking will affect your children. Without education and knowledge, your children are likely to be a replica of you.

The second big mountain is the circle that is difficult to break through.

Birds of a feather flock together. This is the same everywhere in the world. Even if you get rid of the influence of your original family, it is difficult to enter a specific circle. What others say may be a cognition that you will never be able to break through in your entire life.

The third mountain is the shackles of consumerism.

The overwhelming consumerist advertisements and the shackles of secular culture constantly suck your meager salary, making it impossible for you to complete the original accumulation. You will be trapped in an endless cycle of desire and overdraft until you die.

The fourth mountain is learned helplessness.

A heart that is unwilling to be ordinary is shattered by reality time and time again, and the subconscious mind will think that no matter what you do, it will not change your fate. Even if an opportunity appears before you, you can only passively accept your fate.

The fifth mountain is the high cost of trial and error. The lower you are in the social hierarchy, the fewer resources you have, and the higher the cost of trial and error. One wrong step can lead to your entire life being shattered.

These five mountains weigh on every one of us ordinary people. Only by constantly improving our understanding can we break through to the upper class.

② Heart Awakening:

Only hard work can lead to wealth awakening. To awaken your mind is to awaken your mind with awareness. A typical manifestation of not awakening is: continuously practicing negative feedback.

Most people are constantly practicing negative feedback. What this means is that after doing something, you will feel frustrated. This frustration makes you mistakenly believe that it is a problem with your own ability, so you will think about how to improve your ability.

When your abilities improve, even if you become better, you find that when you do the same thing again, you get the same result. You will still be frustrated, and you will still fall into internal friction and anxiety. Then you will look for problems in yourself and continue to learn. This is negative feedback.

In a negative feedback situation, your own state is very bad, you will feel anxious and self-destructive. In fact, it is not that you are bad, but it may be that the circle you are in is not right. No matter how hard you try, you cannot solve the problem.

So what you need to do at this time is to change your circle, to a circle that can nourish you. Such a circle knows how to flow energy back, and you can also do what you really like to do. Your own state is joyful, and others can also sense your joy.

The first step to awakening your mental strength is to stay away from those people and circles that drain you, and go to circles that are on the same wavelength as you. We only attract the right people and make the right people successful. By protecting our own mental strength, we will have enough energy to make more people successful.

The second step of awakening the mind is to connect upwards and grow upwards. Many people are afraid to connect upwards, either choosing to lie flat or not being confident enough.

For example, in a growth community, when you see others working hard to grow, you will feel anxious and choose to ignore or lurk. This in itself is a reflection of your own weakness or lack of confidence through others, which is a manifestation of weak mental strength.

People who lack strong willpower don’t even dare to grow, so how can they get close to high-quality circles? If they get close to high-quality connections and resources, how can they make money?

Therefore, only when your mind is awakened can your wealth be awakened, and wealth is everything that is yours and can be manifested to affect your living conditions, your family relationships, your work environment and your social status.

If your mind is not strong enough, how can you make your family happy? If your mind is not strong enough, how can you face your boss and colleagues well every day?

If your mental strength is not strong enough, how can you have the energy to study; if your mental strength is not strong enough, how can you make money.

A person is born twice, one is the birth of your physical body, and the other is the awakening of your soul.

Discovering your higher self through your physical self, the spiritual self that communicates with the greater self, and recognizing it as your essence, is the awakening of the soul.

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