According to U.Today, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk recently shared his thoughts on the future impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on humanity during a public talk. Musk believes that the role of biological intelligence is diminishing over time and will eventually constitute less than one percent of total intelligence. He envisions a future where biological intelligence serves as a 'backstop or buffer of intelligence,' with the majority of intelligence being digital.

Musk expressed uncertainty about the role of humans in this future scenario but emphasized the need for AI that benefits humanity. He has been contemplating AI safety for an extended period. Musk stressed that AI should not be 'brutal' and should be trained to seek truth and exhibit curiosity. He insisted that AI should be trained to tell the truth, even if it is not politically correct, as this is the only way it can foster human civilization in the future.

Musk referred to the film '2001: A Space Odyssey,' written by renowned sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke, where the AI on a spaceship named Hal kills the entire crew of astronauts because it was forced to lie. Musk interpreted this as Clarke's message not to make AI lie. This is not the first time Musk has emphasized the need for truthful AI over 'woke' AI, criticizing the current trend in AI creation, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. To counter this trend, Musk has launched his own AI start-up, xAI, and an AI chatbot named Grok, which is already integrated on X.